The Realities of Miss Bethie

Friday, April 28, 2006

How Stupid Am I?

Laughs-a-lot has Bubbles this weekend (his daughter, not me...It is confusing now that he calls me Bubbles, although here, for y'all, I'm still Miss Bethie).

He told me that tomorrow he and Bubbles are shopping for my birthday present.

I told him that he really doesn't need to get me anything, but since I know he will anyway, it should be something small, more of a token.

He told me that changes everything and he now needs a new plan.

Now I want to know what the plan was!!!

Seriously--I am totally smitten and really think this guy has the potential to be the future Mr. Miss Bethie. That being said, we have only been dating 2 months.
So, I was right to tell him not to get me anything big, right?


Thursday, April 27, 2006


Word is officially out that I am not returning next year.
Many people have come up to me to tell me they are going to miss me (or my laugh or my shoes. That is the ULTIMATE compliment!)

Our library, who does not take friendships lightly, is really saddened by my departure. I was very touched. She was a great teacher, is now an outstanding librarian, and we were compadres with our views on animals and the environment, which made us outsiders in the area.

She is really trying to get me to apply for one of the math positions at the middle school.
Part of me is tempted, the other part just wants to get the hell out of Dodge.
I need a job. I want a math position. I was euphoric at the idea of no longer having to use a quarter tank of gas a day just to get to work and back.

I am not good at this!


Yes, we have hit that point in the relationship where we have nicknames. But we are dorky idiots, and therefore, our nicknames are dorky and idiotic.

While at the Cards game Tuesday, we had a ton of fun watching the text message board. It is just as it sounds...For $2.99, you can test a message and it goes up on the board. There were marriage proposals (one was turned down), pregnancy announcements (can you imagine telling your husband this way?), break-ups and general shenanigans. One message was to "Bubbles."

I told Laughs-a-lot that Bubbles was my nickname when I taught in the city, and that I refer to his daughter as Bubbles. (I did NOT mention that they have been the major subjects of a blog I write, because I don't want him to think I'm a total computer geek, and I would rather he learn about me by being with me and talking to me; not by reading the Cliff Notes.

He thought that was a great nickname for me, but then never mentioned it the rest of the evening.
Until I got home and there was an email from him, telling me what a great time he had and how glad he is to have met me. And he addressed me as Bubbles.
I replied to him and said I had a great time, too and that I was also very glad to be together.
I addressed him as Giggles. I made him, well, giggle.
So, now he writes emails to Bubbles and signs off as Giggles (which is a little disturbing coming from a man, but it does fit him.)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Don't Read This Post...

...if you don't like hearing the gushing of a girl who is the beginning of a relationship and still at that sickeningly sweet phase where she finds absolutely everything about her new guy adorable.

Laughs-a-lot is ideal!

He thinks I have cute toes. He loves spending all of his free time with me and wishes there was more. He likes me just the way I am. I am perfect for him. He can't stop smiling when he thinks about me. He never knew how much fun and laughing could be had at a baseball game until he went with me. He had all but given up hope of finding a nice girl who wanted a nice guy, and then I came along. He wrote me an e-mail saying, "That's what makes you YOU. That's the person I like! That's the person I love spending time with," in reference to me saying I love that I can just be myself around him and not worry that he is judging me. He assures me he will always stay nice. I make him happy and optimistic again.

And I feel the exact same way about him!
Except for that part toe part.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Laughs-a-lot is a gentleman. He is sweet and shy as far as physical contact. We've made out--several times--but he is slow to put his arm around me, hold my hand, etc.

In fact, Saturday, after an evening out, we went back to his place and watched two movies. After the first movie, he finally held my hand. It sounds hokey, but after Professor, Laughs-a-lot, who is sweet, selfless and looks at me longingly, but isn't pouncing on me, is exactly what I need. I know he actually likes me, and isn't just looking to dip his wick.

So, after a night of passionate hand holding, Laughs-a-lot drives me home. He leans over to kiss me, and we kept on kissing, and it became a full-on tonsil hockey session. And it was great!

At his place, I had to change my ring worm band-aid. Laughs asked if I needed help [awwwww...] and while I said I was fine, he still came to look at it. He said it did NOT look like ring worm to him. (He had gotten from his ex, who had gotten it from a stray cat when they were in high school. I gave his grief about getting an itchy rash from his ex.) I told him that I wasn't sure, but it seemed to be doing better since my use of the fungicide. Yet, while making out, Mr. I-Don't-Think-Its-Ring-Worm jerked his hand like he had just touched a burner when his hand touched the band-aid on my neck. hahaha

While making out like a couple of middle school kids at the skating rink, some headlights come through the back window of his truck. I thought it was just someone in the subdivision across the street leaving. It was, after all, 3 in the morning. Who else is out at this time?

Then I noticed that the lights are getting closer. Must be one of the dang teens on the street. They should count their blessings that they weren't busted for curfew!

Huh...why is that vehicle parking behind us?

So, I look, and say, "Hey, Laughs-a-lot, you get to meet my brother Doug!" (Doug did not make it to Easter, so Laughs hadn't met him yet.)

Laughs-a-lot is now mortified. Here he is always so polite and hesitant to touch me, and I don't know if we'll ever be horizontal and make out, at the rate we are going, and his first impression on my oldest brother is the two of us making out. HA! But, they talked for a little bit, and Laughs made it through. My mom and other brother thought it was a hysterical.

Mom and Dad had a similar experience when they were dating. That will be another story for another time. I just got back from the Cardinals game (we won!) and it is after 11:00 and tomorrow is a double-work day.

So, until then...

Sunday, April 23, 2006

The Introduction

I "met" stinky hat Saturday night.

It was actually anti-climatic. We were laughing about it, and I asked about whether or not he would ever wear it in front of me.

He explained that he wears it after playing hockey or when doing manual labor where he sweats a lot. He doubted I would see it anytime soon.
I said I wouldn't really feel like I am "in" until he wears stinky hat in front of me.

He went to his closet and brought it for me to see.

It is crusty and "salty" from all the sweat in it. I sniffed it, but smelled nothing, although it certainly looked like it should smell. He explained that the stench is released when he sweats in it or it becomes wet.

He's never getting rid of it. He even told Bubbles he wants to be buried in it.
Her reply was that he had already told her that he wants to be cremated and made into a hockey puck.

That's my guy!
Not exactly dreamy, but adorable!

Only me...

So, Friday I wore my hair in a ponytail. I woke up with a migraine, and the idea of shower water pelting my head was beyond me at that point.

While pulling my hair up, I noticed a quarter sized patch of pink skin on my neck. It doesn't bother me, and I just assumed I either have a left over sleep-mark, or a little rash from some soap or perfume, or something.

As the day went on, I noticed that it started itching just a bit, AND that it if beginning to feel like a patch of really dry skin. I showed it to the two Sarahs on my team at school to get an opinion. I just didn't like it. They both said it just looked like a mild irritation and just use a hydrocortizon cream when I get home. That was just what I wanted to hear.

But, the day progressed and the little pinkish spot became itchier and pinker. I decided a visit to the school nurse may be in order. She took a look, and told me what I feared--ring worm.

The Sarahs still insisted that it was not, and I really tried to cling to that. I really did. But when mama saw, and my sister-in-law, who is an RN (and backed up after looking at it), I decided it was probably ring worm.

So, I let Laughs-a-lot know that I had it, and that if he wanted to cancel our date because of fear of exposure I understood. I would have been severely disappointed, because while I adore Bubbles, it meant we hadn't had any "alone" time last week.

Laughs-a-lot said that didn't deter him from wanting to see me. We had a great weekend. I will fill y'all in when I get a chance.

My friends, who seem ever-so-slightly disappointed that I no longer have daring stories, are now giving me grief about having a fungus that is passed around 7 year olds who play in sandboxes.

Friday, April 21, 2006

The Old Adage is True

You know the one...When you are in a relationship, you'll be approached by members of the opposite sex. When you are single, not so much.

Last night, at the gas station, cringing with every tick of the gauges, and some guy walks over and asks if he can help me with that. thanks. I got it, unless you are offering to pay for the fill-up.
What about my windshield. He'll gladly clean it for me. It must be difficult for me to reach the center being so petite. Ummmm...yeah, no I think I am fine. He wishes me a good day and goes back to his car.

This morning, I woke at 3:00am with a migraine. I feel to cruddy to even wash my hair, which is in dire need. I pull it in a ponytail and put on some powder, blush and mascara. I stopped at the grocery store because I am out of Diet Coke and Lean Cuisines at school. Some guy coming out of the store flashes a big smile and brightly says, "Why, good morning!" while ignoring the other customer a couple of feet behind me.

But really, this was one of those mornings when I really needed that.

And Laughs-a-lot has nothing to worry about.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Things I find endearing about Laughs-a-lot that others would find totally dorky...

* He snorts when he laughs
* The pride on his face when telling Bubble stories
* How close he is to his family
* He laughs at everything I say (well, everything I want him to laugh about)
* He has a company shirt for every occasion
* He is the most content person I have ever met, except maybe for my dad
* He loves animals
* He lets Bubble name their pets, and they get names like Marshmallow and Clifford, as a result
* He doesn't take himself seriously
* He is protective and nurturing to those he cares for (and I am on that list!)
* He likes Meg Ryan movies, and isn't ashamed to admit it
* His decorating skills consist of a signed Stan Musial picture, dirt from the old stadium, a neon Budweiser sign with the Budweiser lizards (okay, it isn't actually on his wall, because even his friends tell him he shouldn't have it up)and all of his drinking glasses say Budweiser (Let me say, he does not have a drinking problem. He works for AB and gets all of the stuff for free)
* He is trying so hard to impress me, but he really needn't try
* The way he looks at me in those little moments when Bubbles leaves the room, and no one else is around
* The way he lights up when we meet up
* His belief in me and my abilities in every endeavor I have
* How we can be in a room full of people and he talks to me or we share a moment, private joke, etc, as though no one else is around
* That he is still physically shy around me, in a sweet way
* His friends love him--and he has a ton of them
* He keeps me updated on the Cards games when I am at work, even when he is at the game with his co-workers in the luxury box
* He throws his head back and gives great big belly laughs
* My niece loves him (and kids are so darn intuitive!)
* He communicates with me...he really communicates with me
* He owns the ELO box set and proudly proclaims this
* He has become a text messaging junkie since meeting me

And the list seems to grow every day!

Like a bad penny...

The Dutchman just doesn't give up.

He calls, and I never answer. He leaves messages, including one tonight asking if I want to get together and do something this weekend. It makes me feel badly because he is a nice guy.

He didn't take "no" for an answer, so I am hoping the complete blow-off works--and soon!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Dog(crap) Day Afternoon

Krazy Kid lived up to his nickname today.
Third hour was getting ready to begin, and Krazy Kid walked up to my desk and grabbed a wad of my precious Kleenex. (You may think I am over reacting about the Kleenex, but let me point out two things...the school year is almost over, so Kleenex are at a premium, and allergy season in the Lou are hell.)
I didn't mind. If the kid has a stuffy nose, as I have had for a few days now because nettle weed is coming out, by all means, take care of it!

I went to my computer to take attendance and went up to the front of the room to begin my lesson on onomatopoeias, and I see KK scrubbing the bottom of his shoe with the Kleenex.

I asked what he was doing, thinking to myself, "Why is he getting mud all over my floor?"
He answers, unapologetically, "I stepped in dog crap and didn't want to track through the school.

FIRST: It is now third hour. He is just now thinking he needs to clean his shoe?
SECOND: He thinks it is okay to get the crap all over my floor?
THIRD: I know he stepped in it on purpose.

" are getting it all over my room? And using my {precious} Kleenex to do it?"
(I am beginning to sound like Smeagol from Lord of the Rings).
"Well, I had to come to class."
"Why would you clean it in my room and not ask to, oh, I don't know, go to the bathroom?"
"I didn't know what you would say."
"If you told me you stepped in dog poo, do you really think I would have said 'no?'"
"I dunno."
He then put the Kleenex in my trash can. IN MY TRASH CAN!!!
I told him to take the Kleenex and throw it away in the bathroom.
"Because I don't want my room to smell like dog poop."
"Then the bathroom will smell."
I lost my cool at this point.
He went, and was gone the rest of the period. The other kids asked when he was coming back, and I assured them I did not know, nor did I care.
But room already had that stench in it, and it was twice as bad when he came back to my class 6th hour. Evidently he spend that 40 minutes cleaning his shoes, just not very well.

Laughs-a-lot sent me a BIG cyber hug when I told him the story. I bet his co-workers could here him laughing all the way down the hall as he read my telling of this tale.

No stinky-hat, but...

Laughs-a-lot and I are OFFICIALLY an exclusive couple.
Yup. He told me there is no such thing as too much Miss Bethie time.
I told him that while I was pretty sure of the answer, I just wanted to make sure that he was no longer active on eHarmony.
He simply said, with that usual smile in his voice, "You are correct! I am not active on eHarmony anymore. Like I said, I
like Miss Bethie-time."

I wanted to crawl through the phone and make-out with him on his lumpy sofa right then and there. Then I thought about how awkward that would be since Bubbles was in the room with him watching Life with Derek on the Disney Channel.

I let him know that while I sort felt like we were exclusive, I was really, really happy to know we are ... a couple!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Marathon Date

Last week Saturday, I went to Laughs-a-lot's apartment a little before 11:00am. His sister and brother-in-law were picking us up and we were going to an open house at the new Busch Stadium. (It is so great to be dating a Cards fan. That last clown I dated was a Cubs fan. THE CUBS!!! Our Archrival!)

So, we had a great time at the stadium. His sister obviously really likes us, and considers us a couple now. I certainly consider us a couple, and I think it is safe to say that he feels the same. She was excited when we told her I would be going to their family's Easter celebration and that he would be going to mine afterwards. She then proceeded to tell me about all of the relatives I would be meeting.

Evidently his brother-in-law called him before leaving and said, "Okay, I have a girlie question for you. What are you wearing?" It was a chilly day, and basically he wanted to know if Laughs-a-lot was going to wear shorts.
His wife, Laughs-a-lot's sister, said that he would be dressing to impress me. He is known for always wearing a baseball cap. In fact, he has a favorite one that he wear so much, it smells, but he refuses to wash it. (Are you questioning why I like him so much, at this point?) His sister asked if he has worn a hat around me yet. Nope. He was teased for a little bit on this point.
I told him the day he wears stinky hat around me and introduces me to his brother, I will know I am in. I met his brother last week.

The stadium was very impressive--if your seats aren't behind the foul pole. But it is so roomy and has so many amenities, including a Build-A-Bear shop where you can make a Fredbird or a teddy bear in Cardinals gear. His sister really wanted to make 2 Fredbirds to put in her kids' Easter baskets. (Her husband kept asking when Easter became Christmas). While on an upper-level we looked down and saw a huge line winding around all over the place. Laughs-a-lot points out, "That's the line for Build-A-Bear."
There was no way we could have been through that line within the time of the open house. Brother-in-law was relieved.

I was comfortable around everyone, we cracked jokes and teased one another. They were calling me the diplomat, because I never took sides, or would say, "...but I understand what you mean." The brother-in-law said to me several times, "Its the tone, Miss Bethie, its the tone!" when I would sarcastically tell him he was right, or how great he was. He reminds me a lot of my own brother, so I was instantly at ease around him. His sister and I told him teachers always have a tone. I went on to explain that I could never get Botox injections because then I would lose my ability to give "the eye."

After we were dropped back off to his place, he asked if I wanted to go home, or if I was up for doing something else. I said I was up for more. After going back and forth...
"I don't know. What do you want to do."
"I don't care. What do you want to do?"
He finally suggested Dave and Buster's. It was light-hearted and fun and perfect for our casual attire.

We played a few games and I saw a very competitive side to him of which I was not aware. Whenever we played a racing game, if I passed him, he would come behind me and knock me off course, and laugh devishly. He beat me every time.
Until we played skee-ball. I mopped the floor with him. I hit the bonus and won 500 tickets. (Actually, 250 tickets--they are each 2 points.)

There was one of those "strong-man" games, where the guy uses a huge mallet to hit the machine and see how strong he is. The old school version you tried to ring a bell. We walked past it, and I told him he should try it. He chuckled and said he didn't want to embarrass himself.

Later that night, after we had some dinner, we walked past it again. I pointed to it, and he chuckled and said, "no."
I gave him puppy-dog eyes. He weakened a bit. I said, "Please?" I could tell I was going to get my way. More puppy-dog eyes. He shook his head, chuckled and gave into me. It was cute. He asked, "Can I hit the Women and Children button, or do I have to do Big Man?"
I told him he had to do Big Man, but that had he not told me there was an option, he could have hit the other button and I would have been none the wiser.
I am glad puppy-dog eyes work on the boy!

As always, we talked and laughed and had a great time. When we were out of money, we went back to his apartment. Again he asked, "Well, do you want to come up, or do you want to call it a night?"
We decided to watch a movie.
We were sitting on the sofa, and about a half hour into the movie,(Saw II), he was sitting close enough that our shoulders were touching.
After that movie was over, we were still wanting to spend more time together, so we popped another movie into the DVD player.

Have I mentioned how he likes the cold?
Did you know I am always cold and keep my heat on high in my classroom and never turn off my seat warmer in my Santa Fe?
So, while it was about 40 degrees outside, he had his screen door open. I was freezing. About halfway through the second movie, (The Grudge), he notices me shivering and clinging to his cat for warmth.

"Are you cold?"
"I've been freezing all night!"
"Awwww...I'm sorry!"
He put his arm around me, finally, and pulled me close. I put my head on his chest, and he put his head on top of mine.
It just felt nice.

When that move was over and he turned off the DVD player, "Starship Troopers" came on the TV. We started laughing hysterically at the acting and bad lines in the movie. Doogie Howser was a hard-ass scientist. Our eyes were watering watching this thing.
It was almost 12:30am at this point, and I finally had a lick of sense and realized that I was overly tired and needed to go home.
At last, when I was getting ready to leave, with my coat on, my purse over my shoulder and keys in my hand, he kissed me. He is sweet and shy and genuine and a good kisser! I get giddy thinking about it!

So, the marathon date was fantastic. It also let us know that Easter would be no problem as far as how much time we would be spending together.

And dare I say it...I REALLY, REALLY like this guy!

Easter weekend with Laughs-a-Lot and Bubbles

Friday night Bubbles had a friend spend the night so Laughs-a-Lot asked that I come help him deal with two giggling 'tweens. So, I brought over a movie and we sat on the sofa and watched a movie.
The girls had taken over his room, and there was a lot of giggles and we suspect some spying. Bubbles would bounce out once in a while and to attack her dad, or entertain us with some silliness. When she would hear us giggle, she would run out to see what we thought was funny. Her friend would come out occasionally, too, and tell us jokes.

Saturday his mom had the family over for dinner and to dye Easter eggs. Bubbles warned her uncles and grandpa not to do anything to scare me off because her dad finally met a nice, fun girl who he really likes. Despite her warning, there were many short jokes thrown at me and a few of Laughs-a-Lot's secrets were let out of the bag. Bubbles begged me to go to see her in "Annie." It wasn't exactly what I had in mind for my birthday weekend, but of course I am very flattered and will be there.

Sunday we went to his aunt's and I met the extended family. All were very nice, and Aunt Cards-Fan was elated that we were the same height. (Probably so someone else gets the midget jokes for a change.) Bubbles was already with her mom, but told her dad she was elated that I hadn't been scared off. Everyone was very nice and I enjoyed myself. When his brother left, he had his son hug me and say, "Bye Aunt Beth." I just chuckled and told him good bye.

Afterwards we went to my brother and sister-in-law's, who happen to be right down the street, as it turns out, from Laughs-a-Lot's sister and brother-in-law. Small world. We had a great time. My niece put on quite a show.

We went back to his place and shortly thereafter, Bubbles returned home. We watched some of her cheesey shows, and picked on Laughs-a-Lot. (She says she likes me because I know her dad is a dork.) When I started getting sleepy, she said, "Just stay here! You can sleep in my Dad's bed and he can sleep in the livingroom!" I did not do that, but she hugged me like crazy before I went on my way.

This morning Mom told me what a great guy Laughs-a-Lot is and even my hard-to-impress sister-in-law said how much everyone liked him.

This is a tough crowd sometimes, but I knew they would like him as much as I do. I mean, not in the same way, of course, but as much! ;)

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Okay, so I am a slacker...

I have started my post about the marathon date I had a week ago with Laughs-a-Lot. I WILL finish it. I swear.

But in the meantime, I have met the brother everyone has warned me about, I had dinner at his parents' house tonight, Bubbles not only invited me to see her in "Annoe" but also threatened her uncles not to scare me off.

All-in-all, I am fairly confident when I say, things are going well and I think we have long-term potential here.

Hopefully things go well tomorrow when he finally meets my family!

Happy Easter, everyone!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

I just received an e-mail from the Equine therapy group I volunteer with.
Here is an excerpt:

A little reminder of why we do this:
A lady called to inquire about lessons for her daughter who had been involved in a car accident last year and was paralyzed now from her shoulders down. I set her up with all the necessary registration procedures and asked the childs name and age. She is only two years old.
What you guys do after a long days work in your 9-5 jobs or sitting in classrooms, giving of yourselves so that kids like this little girl can have any semblance of joy or 'normalcy' in her life, means so much more than you realize. You are angels in disguise! ...and some of you are disguised pretty well... Hee!

I am always so touched by these kiddos.


I was about halfway done with a lengthy post when an error message came up.
I thought that I could save the post before it went away, but alas, I was wrong.

Now I am light-headed (sinuses--allergy season in the Lou).
Can't do it over right now. Maybe later, certainly by tomorrow.

Hope all had a great weekend!

I did! (Hint about upcoming posts!)

Friday, April 07, 2006


Sometimes my job is heartbreaking.
A student of mine I inherited second quarter has been moved for the fourth time this school year.
Mom totally lost control, so he has been ping-ponged back and forth to various aunts and uncles.

I used to be able to say stupid comments like, "You are one lucky kid! You have so many family members who want you to live with them!"

Initially that was the case, but no more.
And it hasn't changed because of him.
His mom is a nut job and nobody wants to deal with her while trying to do the right thing by her son.

Sometimes my job is the most satisfying job there is.

Some of my students have transformed into such great adults. There are a few of them I look at and can barely believe they are the same people. They matured, and with that has come compassion, wit, intelligence and common sense. It is a beautiful thing to see.

Sometimes I can only laugh, such as when my dry-toned student mumbles to me, "I'm a redneck who hates NASCAR, but I'm a redneck all the same."
Why was he mumbling? If you think that, say it loud, say it proud!

Sometimes I can only cry. There are many sad stories I hear on a regular basis. It never gets easier; at least for me it hasn't. Various forms of abuse and neglect, as well as the dysfunction that will leave marks on these kids are like war wounds.

I know whatever I teach, it is all to be seen again, but I am in hopes that by changing to a more middle class (or better) setting, as well as getting out of special ed. will alleviate some of this.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

But in Laughs-a-lot news...

We are going to spend Easter with each other's families.
As it turns out, his family is getting together in the morning, and mine is doing Easter as a dinner.

Is this getting pretty serious pretty fast?
Do I care?

I am also going to a hockey game next Tuesday with him and some of his co-workers. We are also planning a double date with some friends of mine on his next Bubbles-less weekend.

My New Hero...

I am taking a moment from swooning over Laughs-a-lot to bring you the story of slight-built actor James Ransome.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Its Getting Better All the Time...

I made an assumption based on every other divorced dad I have dated. (Great alliteration, Bethie!)
The assumption is that he is "dad" every other weekend and one week night.

But neigh.

Sir Laughs-a-lot is a hands-on dad. His daughter is with him exactly half the time. He gets her a week at a time, every other week.

I know a lot of people out there would prefer a guy who isn't with his kid as much so that there would be more time for the relationship.

But come on, people! It is his daughter! He should be in it 50/50!

I find it adorable and endearing and, as I told him, he's just won HUGE points with me!

Monday, April 03, 2006

The Verdict?

After being told that Laugh-a-lot's sister is the hardest person in his family to impress, I flat out asked if I passed.

The reply?

You passed with flying colors! She's picky nowadays. Ever since my
divorce she lets me know exactly what she thinks.

Go Miss Bethie, Go Miss Bethie...

My sister-in-law is pushing to meet him. More than anyone else. She's jealous that I have met his family and yet he has not met mine.

My family is going to love him. Now we only need a reason to meet!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Meet the Daughter

So I met Bubbles, Laughs-a-lot's daughter. (It isn't easy for me to give her that name--it was my nickname at my first teaching job. But, she probably deserves more than I do, so, I am gladly handing it over.)

Bubbles is a great kid. She is lively and effervescent. She is witty and personable. Basically, she is her father's daughter. No doubt about it.

We saw Ice Age 2: The Meltdown, then grabbed some dinner at TGIFriday's. The interaction between the two of them was something special to behold. He is a proud papa and she is crazy about her daddy.

One of my favorite parts of the evening: the little boy next me started chatting with me. He was hysterically funny and cute as a button. Bubbles says to her daddy, "Miss Bethie is great with kids!" Hmmmmm... (She also made mention that she hates being an only child...not that I am contemplating THAT just yet!)

She loves horses, and without thinking, I told her that the next time one of the stables I do therapy with has an open house, I would let her know. I really hope that wasn't too presumptuous! I was just excited that she loves horses!

So, while I am sure deep down she would rather have her parents back together, I think she liked me just fine.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Before Trivia

Friday was 8th grade homecoming. The high school student counsel sponsors it, as a way to prepare the 8th graders for school dances next year.

The teachers on my team decided that it would be a great idea to take the kids to nice restaurant before the dance, as a way for them to learn proper restaurant behavior and tipping and so on.

We were taking 40 students to a local Italian restaurant and 30 to a Mexican restaurant two doors down. I was accompanying them to the Mexican place along with the math teacher and the science teacher.

We get to the school to corral the kids onto the correct bus. They looked so cute! The boys were wearing dress shirts and ties, and the girls were in beautiful dresses. I was almost teary-eyed seeing how mature they looked and how much more mature they were in their more formal attire.

Many of the boys' ties were too short, so the math teacher and myself retied some of them for the boys. "It should meet the top of your belt, not the bottom of your sternum!"

They were so funny, too, because they were impressed with the teachers being a little better dressed than the norm (although we weren't as formal as they were.) One boy told me if he could whistle, he would whistle at me. Awkwardly sweet.

So, since I was not going to the dance, and I needed to leave immediately after dinner to make it trivia on time, I drove myself. I got to the restaurant early, and tell the hostess that the kids will be there shortly.

I get a blank stare.
She gets the manager.
I tell him that I had personally called 3 weeks ago about bringing a group of kids to dinner and was assured that the could accommodate us.
He has no idea what I am talking about.
My stomach drops.
I had meant to call him and make sure they were ready for us and see if there was anything special they required of us, but with the state testing, I just ran out of time.
The manager asked who I talked to.
He calmly tells me not to worry. They have plenty of room. There is a side room and the kids can sit where they want and we will be taken care of.
He later asked what we were doing that we came out to dinner all dressed up. I explained that they were going to a dance, and we wanted them to practice going to dinner, behaving and tipping and so on.
He thanked me.

Because we weren't expected, it took a wee bit longer than we had hoped. Still, we were done by 6:30. I had just enough time to get to trivia (According to Mapquest, it was 27 minutes away. It was starting at 7:00.)

The kids boarded the bus and waved at me. The enthusiasm on their faces was precious. I know few people would ever call 8th graders precious, but seriously, you just had to see them!

So, on every front, it was a great night.

Its Trivial...

So, last night I met Sir Laughs-a-lot's sister, brother-in-law and assorted friends when we attended a trivia night to support the Mom's club for his sister's school district. (Which, by the way, their proposition didn't pass. They had to let 15 teachers go. Great--more teachers out there looking for a job. OY!)

Sis really seemed to like me. Friends were impressed because I answered about 2/3's of the trivia questions, and had the majority of those correct. The boys of the group also liked that I am spunky (there's that word again, Marie!). They would try to insult me, but I always had a snappy comeback. I have had plenty of practice between my brothers and the English teacher I have worked with the last 6 years.

After trivia (we finished in the top third, there were over 30 tables there), we went to a little bar where Laughs-a-lot is a semi-regular. I met his supervisor and the supervisor's girlfriend. It was her birthday. We stuck around there after the trivia gang left. Around midnight we left. I had cookies from school to give to him and his daughter, and some DVDs he was going to try to get to work for me (They are Japanese editions of The X-Files. They won't play in my DVD but will his.) After I gave those to him, then he finally kissed me.

You know (for all the girls out there) when you were just starting to like boys, and you had just learned about French kissing and you were finally over the disgust of sticking your tongue in his mouth and him sticking his tongue in yours? Remember how you fantasized about that first perfect kiss? It was sweet, and romantic, and you would feel electrified and this guy was going to be someone very special in your life? Well, that was the kiss we shared. And it is as magical at 35 as it was in my 12 year old fantasy world.

After we kissed a bit, he said to me, "I never know when I am supposed to do that."
I replied, with my smirk that is both sexy and innocent (according to those who have seen it) "Well its about damn time."
"I agree."
We kissed just a little bit more, and he said he would call me tomorrow.

He did call me.

Tomorrow not only are we going out, but I am also meeting his daughter.

Normally I don't like meeting children this early in a relationship. Actually, this will be the first child I have met of all the divorced men with children I have dated. But, I just have a feeling that he's going to be around awhile. It some how feels right.

Usually by this time I am running for the hills! (Or getting my heart torn out).