The Realities of Miss Bethie

Thursday, October 12, 2006


Has it really been a month since I last blogged?
In may ways it feels like it--but it also feels like time has flown past me.

L-A-L is still the love of my life. Can you believe we have NEVER had a fight or a disagreement? It is true.
Bubbles and my niece are becoming tight friends...which gives L-A-L and I a night alone this weekend as Bubbles goes to my niece's slumber party (Oh-la-la!)

I have so many school stories to share...and also need to vent as I question whether or not I want to stay in education.

I haven't even had time to check out ShpprGrl's blog (which I LOVE! I think we are connected somehow, whenever I read her posts!)

So, my first quarter ends next week, and my first IEP is due the beginning of November, and hope that I can take a breather after all of that.

Hope to see y'all soon!

--Miss Bethie