The Realities of Miss Bethie

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


So, my biggest pain had a big blow up, the police were called, and his mother was almost taken in for her language and attitude.

She had an agenda to get her child into a day treatment facility, and we could tell by his language, he had been coached for the blow-up.

We had to have an intake meeting to get him to the other school, and I had to attend.

His parents were flat-out nasty to me. They said I was incompetent, didn't know how to work with disabled children, and it would be a cold day in hell before he would return to my room.
His mother (whom I strongly suspect has used meth in the past if not still) said I was "prissy" and her son needs either a man or a tom-boy as a teacher, because he respects that.

Everyone around me assures me that I was not the problem, but that the family is. Intellectually, I know that. But it still doesn't help with my confidence. In fact, after the meeting, the counselor at the school leaned over and congratulated me on getting this kid out of my room and dealing with his parents with grace.

Then I got word--in his new school, in his new class with a MALE teacher, he has had three major blow-ups in 2 weeks! He had (only?) about one a month with me!
I hate it for his teacher, but I sure as hell feel much better!

No Mo' Snow!

Here in the Lou, our snow fall cannot even begin to compare to that of New York.

HOWEVER...Our latest snow has force Laughs-A-Lot and me to cancel our romantic get away because I have had so many snow days this school year (which also means I have to stay in this pit until the end of May, now!)

Also, due to my second job, we were supposed to celebrate Valentine's Day tonight. We had to postpone it.
I work tomorrow, he plays hockey Thursday, and we get Bubbles Friday for his week.
This just SUCKS!
I finally have a reason to celebrate Valentine's Day, and the snow messes me up!