The Realities of Miss Bethie

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Only me...

So, Friday I wore my hair in a ponytail. I woke up with a migraine, and the idea of shower water pelting my head was beyond me at that point.

While pulling my hair up, I noticed a quarter sized patch of pink skin on my neck. It doesn't bother me, and I just assumed I either have a left over sleep-mark, or a little rash from some soap or perfume, or something.

As the day went on, I noticed that it started itching just a bit, AND that it if beginning to feel like a patch of really dry skin. I showed it to the two Sarahs on my team at school to get an opinion. I just didn't like it. They both said it just looked like a mild irritation and just use a hydrocortizon cream when I get home. That was just what I wanted to hear.

But, the day progressed and the little pinkish spot became itchier and pinker. I decided a visit to the school nurse may be in order. She took a look, and told me what I feared--ring worm.

The Sarahs still insisted that it was not, and I really tried to cling to that. I really did. But when mama saw, and my sister-in-law, who is an RN (and backed up after looking at it), I decided it was probably ring worm.

So, I let Laughs-a-lot know that I had it, and that if he wanted to cancel our date because of fear of exposure I understood. I would have been severely disappointed, because while I adore Bubbles, it meant we hadn't had any "alone" time last week.

Laughs-a-lot said that didn't deter him from wanting to see me. We had a great weekend. I will fill y'all in when I get a chance.

My friends, who seem ever-so-slightly disappointed that I no longer have daring stories, are now giving me grief about having a fungus that is passed around 7 year olds who play in sandboxes.


  • OMG....stinky hat is outta the closet.

    It's true love...he loves you ringworm and all. Ringworm isn't that definitely could have been worse. Headlice!!

    Hope it clears up for you.

    By Blogger shpprgrl, at 3:16 PM  

  • Headlice clear up more quickly.
    The bandages are making me break out more than the ring worm.

    But yes--the ring worm meant nothing to him!

    By Blogger Beth, at 8:26 PM  

  • Yuck....Miss Bethie has bugs!
    Only know I love ya!

    That is a good man to stick by you through whatever may come. How sweet!

    When Mark and I were first engaged my parents gave us land that we were going to build on and he went out and bought a chainsaw to cut some of the wood. So he would jokingly say "See how much I love you, I even bought a chainsaw"?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:43 AM  

  • He totally doesn't care. Professor would have!

    I thought I was sprouting another "worm" on the back of my leg in the hammie area, but alas...ingrown hair.

    I do have another funny post when I have time.
    Babysitting the niece right now and she is bored with me checking my e-mail and such! Better run!

    By Blogger Beth, at 8:07 AM  

  • Hey get some kid bandages, like Barbie, Hello Kitty or something. Honestly, they don't stick as bad. I have the same problem, real ones stick too much and I can see the shape of the bandage practically tattooed on my body, long after the problem has cleared. You might have to change it more often since they don't stick as well.....

    By Blogger shpprgrl, at 8:21 PM  

  • Hmmmm...I like the idea, but then I hate to think about a Barbie or Sponge Bob Band-aid being on my NECK!
    Right now I have a clear Band-aid on, and it seems to be working.
    I get that same tattoed effect, though, and it lasts for days!

    By Blogger Beth, at 6:11 AM  

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