Its Trivial...
So, last night I met Sir Laughs-a-lot's sister, brother-in-law and assorted friends when we attended a trivia night to support the Mom's club for his sister's school district. (Which, by the way, their proposition didn't pass. They had to let 15 teachers go. Great--more teachers out there looking for a job. OY!)
Sis really seemed to like me. Friends were impressed because I answered about 2/3's of the trivia questions, and had the majority of those correct. The boys of the group also liked that I am spunky (there's that word again, Marie!). They would try to insult me, but I always had a snappy comeback. I have had plenty of practice between my brothers and the English teacher I have worked with the last 6 years.
After trivia (we finished in the top third, there were over 30 tables there), we went to a little bar where Laughs-a-lot is a semi-regular. I met his supervisor and the supervisor's girlfriend. It was her birthday. We stuck around there after the trivia gang left. Around midnight we left. I had cookies from school to give to him and his daughter, and some DVDs he was going to try to get to work for me (They are Japanese editions of The X-Files. They won't play in my DVD but will his.) After I gave those to him, then he finally kissed me.
You know (for all the girls out there) when you were just starting to like boys, and you had just learned about French kissing and you were finally over the disgust of sticking your tongue in his mouth and him sticking his tongue in yours? Remember how you fantasized about that first perfect kiss? It was sweet, and romantic, and you would feel electrified and this guy was going to be someone very special in your life? Well, that was the kiss we shared. And it is as magical at 35 as it was in my 12 year old fantasy world.
After we kissed a bit, he said to me, "I never know when I am supposed to do that."
I replied, with my smirk that is both sexy and innocent (according to those who have seen it) "Well its about damn time."
"I agree."
We kissed just a little bit more, and he said he would call me tomorrow.
He did call me.
Tomorrow not only are we going out, but I am also meeting his daughter.
Normally I don't like meeting children this early in a relationship. Actually, this will be the first child I have met of all the divorced men with children I have dated. But, I just have a feeling that he's going to be around awhile. It some how feels right.
Usually by this time I am running for the hills! (Or getting my heart torn out).
Sis really seemed to like me. Friends were impressed because I answered about 2/3's of the trivia questions, and had the majority of those correct. The boys of the group also liked that I am spunky (there's that word again, Marie!). They would try to insult me, but I always had a snappy comeback. I have had plenty of practice between my brothers and the English teacher I have worked with the last 6 years.
After trivia (we finished in the top third, there were over 30 tables there), we went to a little bar where Laughs-a-lot is a semi-regular. I met his supervisor and the supervisor's girlfriend. It was her birthday. We stuck around there after the trivia gang left. Around midnight we left. I had cookies from school to give to him and his daughter, and some DVDs he was going to try to get to work for me (They are Japanese editions of The X-Files. They won't play in my DVD but will his.) After I gave those to him, then he finally kissed me.
You know (for all the girls out there) when you were just starting to like boys, and you had just learned about French kissing and you were finally over the disgust of sticking your tongue in his mouth and him sticking his tongue in yours? Remember how you fantasized about that first perfect kiss? It was sweet, and romantic, and you would feel electrified and this guy was going to be someone very special in your life? Well, that was the kiss we shared. And it is as magical at 35 as it was in my 12 year old fantasy world.
After we kissed a bit, he said to me, "I never know when I am supposed to do that."
I replied, with my smirk that is both sexy and innocent (according to those who have seen it) "Well its about damn time."
"I agree."
We kissed just a little bit more, and he said he would call me tomorrow.
He did call me.
Tomorrow not only are we going out, but I am also meeting his daughter.
Normally I don't like meeting children this early in a relationship. Actually, this will be the first child I have met of all the divorced men with children I have dated. But, I just have a feeling that he's going to be around awhile. It some how feels right.
Usually by this time I am running for the hills! (Or getting my heart torn out).
Just reading this gave me the warm fuzzies!
And, imagine still having that feeling after almost 13 years of marriage.
When it's right, you just know it. Or in my case, you come to later find out when everyone else around you already knows it!
Anonymous, at 1:20 PM
You and Mark are my married couple role model!
Well, you and my parents.
Your the modern-day married couple role model! :)
Beth, at 7:44 PM
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