The Realities of Miss Bethie

Friday, March 02, 2007

Moosey Anniversary

Okay, so I have to talk about it.Laughs-a-Lot and I will celebrate one year of bliss, and never a fight. (I ain't stupid--I know we will have fights eventually, but I don't think they will ever be anything serious).I want a ring, I don't think I am getting it--yet. He made the comment about getting it for me when I least expect it. He also "ordered" my present, so I doubt it is a ring.

Besides that, though, I am tickled-pink with what I have gotten him. It isn't anything fancy or cool. It is household things he needs, but doesn't know how to go about getting. Let me also add that LAL loves moose. Yes, the big four-legged animals with huge antlers. Our Christmas tree was full or them. I am giving him moose-themed items. Each item has a little note (hand written on moose notecards!) that goes with it.

For example, he has 3 throw pillows to go on his bed, that has only flat, dull pillows in cases on it. (He has said he needs throw pillows, so I am not just buying what I think he needs!) The pillows are stacked in a a big box. On top of the first pillow, the notes says, "Because you soften all my rough days." The next pillow has a note, "Because you provide peace and tranquility to me." On top of the third pillow, "Because you cushion all my falls." At the bottom of the box, a little more fun, is a note, "Because pillow fights are fun and I want to be well armed."

Another box has a moose picture frame which I hope will house an wonder picture of us in front of the cabin we are taking our wonderful retreat in. Along with this is a note, "Because I can picture spending the rest of my life with you."

Finally, my true find! A gorgeous moose lamp. I know, you are thinking, "A gorgeous moose lamp?" It is perfect, though. It is an elegant bronze of a moose with a tasteful shade. It is my traditional, refined taste, but it is a moose for him! We CAN meld our totally different tastes together! The attached note, "Because you have brightened my life." (I didn't want to sound like Debbie Boone, so there is no mention of lighting up my life!)

Really, I am so excited about his gift, I am not concerned with what he has gotten me.
But that doesn't stop me from begging for hints.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


So, my biggest pain had a big blow up, the police were called, and his mother was almost taken in for her language and attitude.

She had an agenda to get her child into a day treatment facility, and we could tell by his language, he had been coached for the blow-up.

We had to have an intake meeting to get him to the other school, and I had to attend.

His parents were flat-out nasty to me. They said I was incompetent, didn't know how to work with disabled children, and it would be a cold day in hell before he would return to my room.
His mother (whom I strongly suspect has used meth in the past if not still) said I was "prissy" and her son needs either a man or a tom-boy as a teacher, because he respects that.

Everyone around me assures me that I was not the problem, but that the family is. Intellectually, I know that. But it still doesn't help with my confidence. In fact, after the meeting, the counselor at the school leaned over and congratulated me on getting this kid out of my room and dealing with his parents with grace.

Then I got word--in his new school, in his new class with a MALE teacher, he has had three major blow-ups in 2 weeks! He had (only?) about one a month with me!
I hate it for his teacher, but I sure as hell feel much better!

No Mo' Snow!

Here in the Lou, our snow fall cannot even begin to compare to that of New York.

HOWEVER...Our latest snow has force Laughs-A-Lot and me to cancel our romantic get away because I have had so many snow days this school year (which also means I have to stay in this pit until the end of May, now!)

Also, due to my second job, we were supposed to celebrate Valentine's Day tonight. We had to postpone it.
I work tomorrow, he plays hockey Thursday, and we get Bubbles Friday for his week.
This just SUCKS!
I finally have a reason to celebrate Valentine's Day, and the snow messes me up!

Thursday, December 28, 2006


But there is a silver lining.
And I am not giving hints as to what (or rather, whom) is responsible for that.

Laughs-A-Lot is one of the most wonderful guys I have ever met. As I look back through this blog at my many dating misadventures, I know that I finally met the right fit for me. We are both goofy, and dorky, and quirky, but we are also perfectly matched.

LAL has been my rock as I deal with this horrible job. He has given me support as I deal with an ailing grandmother who was my role model to be a strong independent woman. As I see that woman slipping away, LAL has helped me deal with a loss that isn't nearly complete yet. He has brought tears of laughter to my eyes on an almost daily basis. When I am having a neurotic moment, he comforts me. He makes me feel like every love song was written for us. He would do practically anything to make me happy. I would do the same for him.

I love my Sir Laughs-A-Lot, and he really is my knight in shining armor!

The Four Students of the Apocalypse

My students are HORRIBLE. I cannot even begin to emphasize this enough. It is to the point now, where I am beginning to question the entire career of teaching. Something I never thought I would do.
One is incredibly volatile, and just a few weeks ago assaulted 7 students, all older, in a matter of minutes. One child had a broken nose.
Another student sleeps all day. When I make him work, or take away his recess to catch up on what he slept through, he starts tearing apart the room.
A third student defecates and urinates in demand. He gets mad at me, I get a stink bomb in my class. He is also a compulsive liar, but the lies are so ridiculous that they are funny.
My final student is a cry-baby made worse by a mom, whom I swear has undiagnosed Munchausen syndrome.

For as bad as any of my students may be, the parents are even worse.
The parents of the violent student got an advocate and threaten to sue us constantly because we called juvenile after the playground assault.
My sleeping slug's parents give in to his every whim and spoil him rotten. He can't work for me, because he has never had to work a day in his life.
My super-pooper has parents that neglect him.
My fourth kid, no need to explain.

The cooperative where I work has been so kind as to leave me hanging in a meeting with one of these parents, who truly is mentally unstable. This is not hyperbole. I was alternately yelled at and praised for an hour. The two people who warned me about this parent's instability and promised they would back me up, never showed. They also never called the parent back when she tried to contact them after the meeting. She, of course, said she was going to take me to court over this.
Often I am promised classroom visits, assistance with completing paperwork, and various other things. They never show up when they tell me they will. Usually they drop in when I am in the middle of teaching a class and expecting me to drop what I am doing to then do whatever scheduled activity they missed initially. I have a director I have never met. She never attends meetings for the Cooperative that she is supposed to oversee. She somehow ends up sick on those days. I have no faith with anyone affiliated with this coop who isn't a paraprofessional or a teacher.

Many teachers and lay people tell me how lucky I am to only have 4 students in my classroom.

I am lucky because my principals are phenomenal and support me through every struggle and challenge--and there is at least one per day.
They seem to really like me and sing my praises often. I wish I was a part of the district and not the Co-op.

The promising news is that the superintendent of the district I work in is going to the superintendent of a much closer school. (My 100 mile a day commute only and lemon to the wounds that is this job!) He is a very well-respected super, who took a district with low test score and no budget and made it a gold-star district with a strong budget.
Did I mention my principals adore me?
The head principal is on the short list of contenders to take over my district. He is considered one of the best in the field.
I am hoping a letter of recommendation crossing the desk of the super taking over in the near-by-district signed by gentlemen he knows and thinks highly of could really be a benefit to me.

Just looking for a silver lining.

I hate my job.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

I'm not dead yet!

Well, it has been a very long time. Much longer than I ever anticipated. The new job, not only SUCKS, but it also takes much more job, and especially ENERGY than I would like.
When I do have a spare moment, it is usually spent with LAL, and every other week, Bubbles.

We are becoming more and more like a family. I don't want to be Bubbles mom. She has a mom and they love each other. I will say, though, when we are together, we have a bond very mother-daughter like. LAL loves it.

Everyone was expecting me to get a ring for Christmas. Let me alert you all right now, that did not happen.
I did, however, get a beautiful emerald necklace to match the gorgeous emerald/diamond ring I have. (I plan on using the ring as a wedding band, some day.)

I hope to get back here tomorrow night and add stories, details, and so on.

They changed this site! Look! I can add COLOR now! I had wanted to do that for a LONG time!

Hope everyone had a FABULOUS holiday; I wish you all a happy, healthy new year.

--Miss Bethie (Yup--still a Miss...but probably not for too much longer!)

Thursday, October 12, 2006


Has it really been a month since I last blogged?
In may ways it feels like it--but it also feels like time has flown past me.

L-A-L is still the love of my life. Can you believe we have NEVER had a fight or a disagreement? It is true.
Bubbles and my niece are becoming tight friends...which gives L-A-L and I a night alone this weekend as Bubbles goes to my niece's slumber party (Oh-la-la!)

I have so many school stories to share...and also need to vent as I question whether or not I want to stay in education.

I haven't even had time to check out ShpprGrl's blog (which I LOVE! I think we are connected somehow, whenever I read her posts!)

So, my first quarter ends next week, and my first IEP is due the beginning of November, and hope that I can take a breather after all of that.

Hope to see y'all soon!

--Miss Bethie

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Our song...

The first time LAL told me he loved me, it was followed by the jingle for Frederick Roofing. (If you are from St. Louis, you know what jingle I mean...For a hole in your roof or a whole new roof...Frederick Roofing).
We laughed that it was our song.
We made other silly proclamations about what our song actually is, which has included Shakira's Hips Don't Lie and Kanye West's Gold Digger.

But after attending two weddings in two weeks, and much discussion about our own wedding has occurred. LAL, who anytime our wedding is mentioned says, "Its all you, Baby. Just tell me what I need to do."
Except for the song. He has a request.

He always wanted to play Genesis' "Follow You, Follow Me" at his wedding. It wasn't at his first wedding, because he didn't think it felt right for the two of them.
So, his heart is set on it, and they lyrics are sweet.

Stay with me,
My love I hope you'll always be
Right here by my side if
ever I need you
Oh my love

In your arms,
I feel so safe and so
Everyday is such a perfect day to spend
Alone with you

will follow you will you follow me
All the days and nights that we know will
I will stay with you will you stay with me
Just one single tear in
each passing year

With the dark,
Oh I see so very clearly now
All my fears are drifting by me so slowly now
Fading away

I can
The night is long but you are here
Close at hand, oh I'm better for
the smile you give
And while I live

I will follow you will you
follow me
All the days and nights that we know will be
I will stay with
you will you stay with me
Just one single tear in each passing year there
will be

I will follow you will you follow me
All the days and nights
that we know will be
I will stay with you will you stay with me
Just one
single tear in each passing year...

But how the hell do you DANCE to this song?
He asks for so little, and gives so much, I HAVE to say yes.
And I am sure when that day comes, I will have tears of joy in my eyes and not care that I don't care for the song.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

More Nesting...More Bliss

Laughs-a-Lot has no kitchen furniture. It was a source of amusement when he had that crappy sofa, but now that we (and by "we" I mean "he") bought the living room set, we wig out whenever Bubbles eats in the living room, the only place to sit (and here, when I say "we" I do, in fact, mean "we.")

An exclusive furniture store is going out of business, so we went there to get something high quality at a discounted price. Nothing. Except a dresser I fell in love with. But we didn't need a dresser.

We went to the place where we bought the living room furniture, and BINGO! We found it. His kitchen space is small, so we found a round table with folding leaves and some great chairs with padded seats that, remarkably enough are comfortable for both of us, despite 1 foot, 2 inch difference between us.

While there, he said to me, "We're going to eventually need to get a bedroom set, too. I don't like mine. I was cheap and I just don't like it anymore."
Loved the "we."

My mind kept going back to that dresser, and also the fact that my current dresser, a beautiful antique rosewood, is useless because the drawers leave wood stains on my clothes and the knobs continually pull out.

I started asking Laughs-a-Lot if he liked the dresser. He assured me he did. I asked if it was a design he could not only live with, but possibly have an entire bedroom suite of similar pieces. He tells me he really liked it.

After kicking it around for a couple days, and talking the store down another $100, I am the proud owner of a fine piece of furniture. Laughs-a-Lot and I are picking it up Sunday. He's glad I am so tickled about it and even said I'd never get this nice of a piece for so little again.

I love my dresser, but I adore my Laughs-a-Lot.


I am in the middle of two posts that I just haven't had the time to finish posting. I have to say a few words about several special people who have died, all within a week.

First, my sister-in-law's nephew's baby who was merely 3 days old. The doctors knew he had heart problems and induced labor early to start treatment. After Sean Matthew was born, doctors realized that the problems were much worse than expected and the only way he could survive is if he had a transplant immediately. Originally they thought they had until he was three. He was buried in a cemetery for newborns. How sad that such a cemetery exists.

Tuesday morning at school we were alerted that our reading specialist, who was battling breast cancer for the second time, and was only 38 years old, was in the ICU. She had been at school every day, and told us, "I'll be here as long as you'll have me!" Yesterday morning, she lost her battle, leaving behind a husband and children.

Wednesday night I got the call that two of the kids I worked with through the foundation that works with pediatric cancer patients had passed. One was my buddy James, whom a posted about a couple of times. The other was Bailee, whom I chaperoned on my very first trip with the group. She battled bravely and for a long time. She always was feisty.

It was a sad, depressing week, and I want to thank those who have sent me consoling thoughts and prayers.

Here are my buddies, Bailee and James.