So, the plan was to fly back with Khalil to St. Louis. From there, he was to take a 7:00 flight back to Tulsa.
Diane, the director of the foundation asked if I could hang out with him, and I was more than happy to oblige. I was even happier when I met him and fell in love with the little guy.
Our plane to St. Louis was delayed by about 15-20 minutes. From there, we met all of the parents, chatted, I returned meds, and we waited (a VERY long time) for luggage to return.
I got a cart and Khalil's and my luggage.
At this point, with things in order and me ready to move on with the rest of the day, I turned my cell phone on. Almost immediately, Michelle, the director of the other foundation we take this trip with, is calling me because Khalil's dad is calling her ticked off.
He is telling Michelle that our plane has been on the ground for over an hour (which it hadn't) and that he had called me repeatedly (once, but I hadn't had time to retrieve voicemail by the time Michelle called) and he is very angry that no one is calling him. Khalil's plane has been delayed, and he needs to know what the heck is going on.
I call him immediately upon hearing all of this, and try to explain what is going on. I tell him I hadn't even had a chance to look at the screen to see that the flight has been delayed, but I was on my way to get his ticket and get everything in order.
This wasn't good enough and yadda, yadda, yadda. My mouth went dry and I was really upset. ME! Who has dealt with many-a upset parent! I can't sat why I had that reaction, but I certainly did.
So, I get in a VERY long line to get him checked and get his boarding pass. While in line, someone suggests that since I have an e-ticket, just check in using my number. I leave the line, do that, only to get a screen telling me that since I have an unaccompanied minor I can't use the e-check-in.
I go back to the even longer, and extremely slow moving line. People were growing short on patience and Khalil was growing more tired.
I asked an airport worker about getting Khalil checked in. He proceeds to tell me that they won't let Khalil ride the plane solo because it was already delayed by the weather in Oklahoma and if it were cancelled or diverted, they would have nowhere to go with the kid. They have a flight the next afternoon, however, at 3:00.
I asked where I am supposed to go with Khalil, and they said they could provide a hotel. I can get an adjoining room, and while
technically I should pay for myself, since I live in St. Louis, they will make an exception. How very kind.
I decide to stay in the long line and try my luck at the window. I call Khalil's dad, who is no kinder than he was before. I explain their last flight of the day rule, and that the next flight is the next afternoon at 3:00. That is too late and he wants his boy back sooner, not to mention, where will he stay? He isn't staying in a hotel by himself. I then explain that either I will be with him, OR I may just take him to my parent's house.
By the way, at this point, my dad is on his way to pick me up, and since he and my mom never answer their cell phone...
So, Khalil's dad is none to happy, but I assure him that I am trying my best to get Khalil on tonight's plane.
We hang up, and I am on the verge of tears. I call Diane, the director of the foundation, barely containing myself, leaving a message that I need a phone call immediately when she gets the message. I'm not actually crying, but I have that quiver in my voice. How I can control it when I talk to Khalil's parents, the airport workers and Khalil himself, is beyond me.
I move up maybe two or three people when Diane gets into Seattle and calls me. She says she'll call her parents and a few other people and then call me back, just in case I can't get him on the plane. She is understandably frustrated because the airline assured her that Khalil could ride on this flight.
We move up a few more people, Khalil's mom calls. I explain what I am trying to accomplish, and that in the worst case scenario, he can stay with my at my parents'. She is very sweet and understanding, but also wants her baby back.
Diane calls, and a St. Louis nurse says she will take him in, if need be. I said he can just stay with my family, since he and I have now bonded even further, but I hope it doesn't come down to that.
In the meantime, my dad miraculously figures out how to use a cell phone and says that he is outside in the 15 minute parking. I explain the situation, that I can't leave for at least an hour, but would he please, please, please just park, get my luggage and either wait or go to my grandma and grandpa's who are a mere 15-20 minutes away, where my mom is visiting.
Of course my daddy will park, get my luggage and wait for me. He is the greatest man I know.
I am next in line for the next available person, and some foreign guy tries to walk in front of me. I tell him he better get himself back behind me or else I will knock him down. The nice guy behind me also tells him to get back where he belongs.
I go to the window, act as though no one told me Khalil can't get on this flight, and we proceed with all of the appropriate paperwork. I need his address, which he doesn't know, so I call his parents, and dad gives me the address.
This entire time, Khalil is sitting on the luggage cart, happily playing with his Spiderman toy.
I get Khalil's boarding pass, my pass to sit with him until the plane leaves, and I tell Khalil we need to have my dad get my luggage before we can go to his plane. Dad calls, I tell him we are on our way to meet him.
He meets Khalil, and is obviously taken with him. Khalil tells him the foot cream story.
We go to Khalil's gate and I call his parents to let them know all systems are a-go.
His mom is now worried about the weather, and would prefer him to stay with me in St. Louis. I almost fall over; My stomach drops.
I tell her that I have his ticket and the plane is going to be boarding in 15 minutes and I am not sure I can change the ticket without a penalty since the flight is going to leave as scheduled. I calm her down, have her talk to Khalil, and she is satisfied that we should proceed. I tell her I am going to stick around until the plane takes off, and should the flight turn around, I will be at my grandparents' and can return in 15 minutes.
Khalil said he wouldn't mind staying with me, but knows his mama misses him. He is too much for me.
I tell his mom to call me when he is back in her arms and I will let her know if when the plane is in take off. Her biggest concern is whether or not he seemed scared.
Let me tell you, this little dude was
much cooler than any of the adults tied up in this were!
About two and a half hours later, Diane called to let me know he arrived and asked if his mom had called.
She hadn't yet, but let me tell you, I was able to breathe again!
Still, it could have been fun to have the little dude stay over. He was certainly a highlight for me, and brightened my pop's evening.