The Realities of Miss Bethie

Sunday, October 30, 2005

A Motorcycle Built for Two

What a fantastic day! It was like there never was a tiff. Things were great. Even when the nimrod asked me how my dates went.

It was an absolutely perfect day for a motorcycle ride--other than my @#$&*! period being so heavy that I was changing "things" every hour before I left. (It let up by time I left, so I was good for the three hours we were together).

I was flirty, saying things like, "So, would it be too distracting if, say, I licked your ear and nibbled your neck?" "So, then, there is no way I should rub your nippies while holding on to you?" (He kept making jerky gear changes when I would slacken my grasp on him. He told me he always wanted a hot mama on the back on his back, and dammit, he wanted me hanging on close and tight.) When I asked if I should refrain from holding on to his crotch, he told me, "I never said THAT!" He then said that would be for a longer trip. He also told me how many point I earned when I quoted Springsteen and asked if I should wrap my legs around his velvet rims and strap my hands across his engines.

We road through Forest Park, which is a nice section of buildings and museums. I didn't know that it is bigger than Central Park in NY. Professor told me that--always teaching.

We had lunch and talked and he even held my hand across the table and said, "This is a real date. We are out in public, fully clothed. It is nice."

He asked how my dates went. And I looked away from him. I personally don't want to know. Unless he decides I am twice the woman she could ever hope to be (But not by size). He said we can discuss these things like adults, since we both know the other is dating other people. He then adds, "Unless one of them goes really well. I don't want to know that."
I talked about Friday's date starting off great, but then the guy became sort of negative and got on my nerves. Which is totally true, although I would probably give him a second date. In fact he called me today and we chatted for a bit.

I didn't mention Saturday's date, because there really wasn't one, but I let his mind wonder.

I asked about the party, and thankfully he only said that his costume was a hit. He also told me about the 7 year old there who told him his shirt really brought out his eyes.

We went back to his place and "watched football" until he had to go to his son's football game. We made out and talked more.

We were wrapping things up, and my cellphone started to ring.
"Aren't you going to answer that?"
"No. They can leave a message."
"Probably your Saturday night date."
I just smiled. There is a guy I am talking to on the phone I have really clicked with, and Professor can think whatever he wants, like I had a good date who calls me the next day.

He had to cancel tonight, and to be honest, I wanted to see him, but I have a TON of school work to do, so this time home will help me quite a bit. His kids want him to carve pumpkins with them, and he really should do that.

Tomorrow I am going to his place in my costume. I will only be over there for about two hours, then he is going to his kids'.

I may be a little naught, and when he answers his door tomorrow, and I am in full vixen-witch regalia, be petting my stuffed black kitty, and ask him if he would like to stroke my pussy. Over the top? Hell yeah...but he'll like it.


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