Sexless in the city
I am not cool. I am not trendy. I was edgy in my 20s, but at 35, I am only me—and that is fine—most days.
But there are days when I watch Sex in the City in re-runs on TBS (because I am so uncool I didn’t see them the first time around) and wistfully wish to be any one of the ladies. Well, maybe not Samantha, because I do not want to be the floozy of my circle of friends. But I would like to be that trendy and have their shoes and handbags. I want gorgeous men to fawn on me and think I am fantastically hip and beautiful. I want adventure and hi-jinx.
But last night, while staining my parent’s deck with my dad, I blissfully thought about how I would not trade places with them. Can you see them staining a deck with their dad, listening to the crickets and toads that just don’t understand they are in now living in an area with no forests for miles? Do you think any of them would be called the “cool aunt” while riding the most brutal rollercoaster with their nephew? I doubt any of them could understand the joys of having a teenager make a life altering decision—for the positive—because of advice they had given. Certainly none of them would ever see the look on the face of a pediatric cancer amputee who just skied downhill solo, or the autistic child who interacts with his therapy horse.
My life my not be glamorous, trendy, or the stuff successful TV shows are made of, and I may never have a hottie as a boyfriend, but damn it—I think it is a pretty good life! [I would like to meet my own Mr. Big, though!]
But there are days when I watch Sex in the City in re-runs on TBS (because I am so uncool I didn’t see them the first time around) and wistfully wish to be any one of the ladies. Well, maybe not Samantha, because I do not want to be the floozy of my circle of friends. But I would like to be that trendy and have their shoes and handbags. I want gorgeous men to fawn on me and think I am fantastically hip and beautiful. I want adventure and hi-jinx.
But last night, while staining my parent’s deck with my dad, I blissfully thought about how I would not trade places with them. Can you see them staining a deck with their dad, listening to the crickets and toads that just don’t understand they are in now living in an area with no forests for miles? Do you think any of them would be called the “cool aunt” while riding the most brutal rollercoaster with their nephew? I doubt any of them could understand the joys of having a teenager make a life altering decision—for the positive—because of advice they had given. Certainly none of them would ever see the look on the face of a pediatric cancer amputee who just skied downhill solo, or the autistic child who interacts with his therapy horse.
My life my not be glamorous, trendy, or the stuff successful TV shows are made of, and I may never have a hottie as a boyfriend, but damn it—I think it is a pretty good life! [I would like to meet my own Mr. Big, though!]
Never watched that show...unless I was looking for something else on and happen to come across it but quicckly changed it.
I think it was such a big hit because it is so not real. Far from reality TV.
Glad you see what you do have in your life and what you wouldn't trade for one day in Carrie's shoes!
Anonymous, at 5:46 AM
I, being at least equally, if not more, uncool than you - have never watched it either. Well, I've seen bits. I do however have a desire to own the full set of DVD's. It will be on my Christmas list again this year.
And, kudos on your positive attitude. Sometimes it's easy to focus on what we don't have - and overlook all that we do have. Your comments made me think of that saying about "a million years from now it will not matter...blah blah blah - but what's important is that you made a difference in the life of a child." Obviously I haven't done it justice here - do you know that one? If not, I'll find the real deal and send it to you!
Anonymous, at 11:11 AM
No matter how fabulous the shoes may be!
And she is waaaay skinnier than me--so the Prada wouldn't fit, either.
I don't watch it regularly, but it seems to hit a half hour slot normally none of my regulars hit. But tonight it is back to the glamourous life of staining the deck with pops! And after the heart scare earlier in the year, I am EXTREMELY glad to be out there dodging mosquitoes and getting splattered with stain (which is making me look even more freckly!).
Beth, at 11:11 AM
Patty! We posted at the same time!
I do know that one. I have it hidden away among all my boxes here. Yup--still packing the classroom. It is dusty and slow going, so I needed a break from it!
Beth, at 11:13 AM
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