It ain't easy standing up when you don't have a spine!
So, I am a jellyfish.
Sometimes I am a little pitbull, but not when it comes to dating, or anything else that might benefit me.
I sent Saccharine a note asking what he wants and whatnot, and am now feeling badly that I hurt his feelings. I think I am going to call tonight and get this squared away. I am such a dweeb. I am a dating dweeb! Good thing I am watching Oprah's show on how to become a sexpot right now.
Anyway...Get a load of this guy. First he sent me this message...
There was no picture, so I sent a "Thanks do you have a pic" kind of message, to which I get this...
Before I even have a chance to respond--because I am not exactly sure what needs to be said here, I get another message from this guy.
I will give him this--at least he knows "a lot" is two words.
Now seriously, I can't stand being rude. How the heck to I respond to this guy? Most guys tell me they are so self-conscious about writing to a teacher, they check, double check and check one more time to make sure that everything is grammatically correct and spelled correctly--little do they know I am a horrendous speller, but whatever. This guys isn't so self-conscious, I see.
Sometimes I am a little pitbull, but not when it comes to dating, or anything else that might benefit me.
I sent Saccharine a note asking what he wants and whatnot, and am now feeling badly that I hurt his feelings. I think I am going to call tonight and get this squared away. I am such a dweeb. I am a dating dweeb! Good thing I am watching Oprah's show on how to become a sexpot right now.
Anyway...Get a load of this guy. First he sent me this message...
how are oyu? Just moved here and I am looking for a friend lets talk and see what happens
There was no picture, so I sent a "Thanks do you have a pic" kind of message, to which I get this...
dont have one yet. I played college football and to be homnest I am not your type physcially right now. I need to lsoe 30 lbs and working hard after a skiing accindet. I am just looking for quality friends to do things with. I hoep my honesty doesnt scare oyu away. Where did you attend college?
Before I even have a chance to respond--because I am not exactly sure what needs to be said here, I get another message from this guy.
give me a chance oyu wont be disappointed I can promise oyu that. I have a lot to offer
I will give him this--at least he knows "a lot" is two words.
Now seriously, I can't stand being rude. How the heck to I respond to this guy? Most guys tell me they are so self-conscious about writing to a teacher, they check, double check and check one more time to make sure that everything is grammatically correct and spelled correctly--little do they know I am a horrendous speller, but whatever. This guys isn't so self-conscious, I see.
Hmmm...he's either desperate, or he really is just looking for a friend. Not a bad place to start. And, I think the fact that he wasn't overly paranoid about his spelling might say that he's not insecure enough to worry about what kind of impression his spelling makes. Or it might just mean he can't spell.
I might be tempted to strike up a dialog with him and see what more you can learn....
disclaimer: I told you yesterday, I'm bad a dating advice : )
Anonymous, at 7:36 AM
Oh - and don't worry about Saccharine's feelings. If he's put off by you asking a very valid question and chooses not to contact you again because of it - then I say you're better off.
Anonymous, at 7:37 AM
i'm gonna have to say that i don't think he's a bad speller but rather a bad typist and that's ok.
Anonymous, at 9:00 AM
Hahaha...I agree most of it is typos...if I had a dime everytime I wrote nad instead of and--but that could be psychosematic. ;)
We'll see. I may e-mail. It just seemed a little, well, like Patty said, desperate! Of course, I guess I am sort of in the same boat. :)
Beth, at 11:22 AM
The one thing that I told you is the most important thing is what? FRIENDSHIP!
I like that he was honest with you about himself.
I say have a conversation and see what happens.
Anonymous, at 5:39 AM
Okay, okay. I guess I AM beginning to get a little jaded on the online dating thing.
And really, the guys I have ended up liking the most are the ones I wasn't interested in initially.
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Anonymous, at 6:24 PM
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