Grand Central Cell Phone.
What a strange, strange night.
I was getting ready to call Saccharine, when my phone rings. I look, and it is an unfamiliar number. Thinking that Saccharine might be calling from his landline, I pick it up, and some guy asks for Miss Bethie. I tell him I am, in fact, Miss Bethie. Then I hear, "Oh man! I am so sorry! I have like 5 Miss Bethie's in this phone, and I broke my hand...You're the wrong Miss Bethie."
I asked who it was, and it is some clown I met online but it never went anywhere--his loss...although he was hot, in a Potsie from Happy Days sort of way. Sounds like an oxymoron, but trust me here.
Hang up, just making a few quick mental notes of what I want to say to Saccharine, and practicing my tone so as to not sound snotty, and the phone rings again. Boring guy. I am not sure why boring guy and I still sent voicemail messages to one another. Seriously, we've been doing that since the holidays, and we have yet to meet. He may not be boring at all, but he speaks very slowly in a monotone, then will occasionally raise the voice and it startles me, because I am listening so closely to the quiet, dull monotone. I let voicemail pick it up.
Called Saccharine, left a message we should talk--think I sounded nice about it, but not really sure.
Phone rings and it is the cabinet maker. We have been sending e-mails back and forth for about a month, maybe longer. We talked on the phone maybe once before tonight. We did end up talking for a really long time. I wasn't really enthused about him when we first were sending e-mails. He seemed so old! 40! Then I remembered that is only 5 years older than me. OOPS! (And to clarify, in the grand scheme of things, 40 isn't old at all, I just never thought I would date a 40 year old. Mainly because I thought I was going to be married right out of college and use my education degree to raise 4 wonderful kids. Life. Ain't it grand? Also, I forget I am not 27. I have felt 27 for about 4 years now. Before that I though I was 23 for several years.)
Anyway, the phone was a busy, busy place for me last night. It is ashame that my classroom isn't as hectic. I have a LOT of packing to do, and instead I am whining on my blog. HA! Priorities! :)
I was getting ready to call Saccharine, when my phone rings. I look, and it is an unfamiliar number. Thinking that Saccharine might be calling from his landline, I pick it up, and some guy asks for Miss Bethie. I tell him I am, in fact, Miss Bethie. Then I hear, "Oh man! I am so sorry! I have like 5 Miss Bethie's in this phone, and I broke my hand...You're the wrong Miss Bethie."
I asked who it was, and it is some clown I met online but it never went anywhere--his loss...although he was hot, in a Potsie from Happy Days sort of way. Sounds like an oxymoron, but trust me here.
Hang up, just making a few quick mental notes of what I want to say to Saccharine, and practicing my tone so as to not sound snotty, and the phone rings again. Boring guy. I am not sure why boring guy and I still sent voicemail messages to one another. Seriously, we've been doing that since the holidays, and we have yet to meet. He may not be boring at all, but he speaks very slowly in a monotone, then will occasionally raise the voice and it startles me, because I am listening so closely to the quiet, dull monotone. I let voicemail pick it up.
Called Saccharine, left a message we should talk--think I sounded nice about it, but not really sure.
Phone rings and it is the cabinet maker. We have been sending e-mails back and forth for about a month, maybe longer. We talked on the phone maybe once before tonight. We did end up talking for a really long time. I wasn't really enthused about him when we first were sending e-mails. He seemed so old! 40! Then I remembered that is only 5 years older than me. OOPS! (And to clarify, in the grand scheme of things, 40 isn't old at all, I just never thought I would date a 40 year old. Mainly because I thought I was going to be married right out of college and use my education degree to raise 4 wonderful kids. Life. Ain't it grand? Also, I forget I am not 27. I have felt 27 for about 4 years now. Before that I though I was 23 for several years.)
Anyway, the phone was a busy, busy place for me last night. It is ashame that my classroom isn't as hectic. I have a LOT of packing to do, and instead I am whining on my blog. HA! Priorities! :)
i once dated a guy from match whose name was potsie or something like that. i wonder whatever happened to him.
Anonymous, at 11:44 AM
my hubby will be 40 next year! 40 use to seem sooooo long when I was 16 but the closer I get to it, it doesn't seem that old!
Anonymous, at 5:43 AM
I remember it being a huge deal in the neighborhood when my dad turned 40. I keep thinking 40 is old enough to be my father--but far from it!
And 40 today is a LOT different than the 40 of even 10 years ago.
He has a young attitude, and that can make all the difference!
Beth, at 11:15 AM
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