Called B3 and left a voicemail. The ball in now firmly planted in his court, and while I hope, I hope, I hope that he calls and thinks I am wonderful, there is really nothing left for me to do about it.
I left a message for Saccharine saying that I don't hate him, but I am indifferent.
He left another message for me this morning saying he will just leave me alone then.
So, not being one who can leave things alone (except for calling Brian--leaving that alone now...at this moment!)I sent another message basically asking what exactly he is looking for, and that if he has come to realize how great I am, fine, but if he is settling for me because no one else has worked out, so long.
We shall see.
I left a message for Saccharine saying that I don't hate him, but I am indifferent.
He left another message for me this morning saying he will just leave me alone then.
So, not being one who can leave things alone (except for calling Brian--leaving that alone now...at this moment!)I sent another message basically asking what exactly he is looking for, and that if he has come to realize how great I am, fine, but if he is settling for me because no one else has worked out, so long.
We shall see.
That sounds to me like someone with a back bone :)
Anonymous, at 9:01 AM
I think my skeleton is made entirely out of cartilage, like a fish!
Incidentally and not related, really...at my middle brother's first wedding to a domineering troll, I told my mom that it must be hard for him to sit up straight without a spine. She laughed and told me not to tell him it would hurt his feelings. I had no plan to tell him.
Then, during pictures after the ceremony, mom rushes over to him and said, "Miss Bethie said..."
Charming, really.
(My mom isn't as shrew-like as I may make her sound--but still...)
Beth, at 11:27 AM
Yep, the ball is in his court!
At least you knoe you did all that you could on your end.
We shall see what happens.
Glad that you emailed the other one back.
I can't leave things be either.
Anonymous, at 5:36 AM
Yup--haven't heard from either.
Are buddy Princess did send me an e-mail, though, reminding me that boys' timeframes are different than girls and that this doesn't mean it is over just yet!
But I am starting to think it is anyway. Hope I am pleasantly surprised!
And B3 goes on vacation for a week and a half very soon, so, I don't know where I am going with that. But he is.
Beth, at 11:18 AM
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