My Saturday Night Torture Session
No, I have not suddenly gotten into S&M or anything.
I went to see a very good play with a friend. We met on Match when he was moving to St. Louis from New York. We never, ever tried to date. We just hang out, because my profile was interesting (duh!) and he needed friends here.
So, we usually do things like catch a movie or something. Those movies have always been a little odd, like Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Usually a movie based on a book we have both read.
Let's call my friend MD; not because he is a doctor, but because he is a member of MENSA and he is also a dork. Sound harsh? Yes, but it is also very true. Because he finds every opportunity to tell me that he is MENSA.
Let me tell you, my oldest brother was a member of MENSA, and dropped his membership because the people were so odd. My brother and I have very comparable IQs, so I know if I were so inclined, I could also be a member. I am not interested. I have nothing against the members, and I think it is great to find a niche and to use your brain. I just think that it isn't for everyone who qualifies.
After having a superior attitude about being a member of this group, I finally said my piece, and made it known that I have the IQ, but not the desire. Now, this was after a good 10-15 minutes of having to hear about these people. I just snapped finally.
I also, though, said I think it is great for people who enjoy it, people who are looking to broaden their social circles and especially for someone who has just moved here. In now way did I make it sound like members were losers.
I was asked why I wouldn't want to join, and I explained that my brother had been a member, and after hearing about the things they do, I was not interested. I went on to say that my brother and I are a lot alike in our likes and dislikes, so I saw no reason to try it out.
From there I was berated. I said I would think that many people would network there.
I got a wide-eyed look of "Oh my God! What an idiotic thing to say!" as he went on in an extremely, painfully, condescending voice, "Noooooo...I mean, there was one couple who met there, and they got married after several years, but not really."
"I didn't mean network as in dating, I meant as far as business connections, job opportunities and such."
Same look that I wanted to wipe off of his smug face. "Nooooo. I mean, I have never seen anyone handing out business cards or anything like that. I just doesn't happen. It is a social thing."
"I am not saying that they are actively looking for a job, but if something comes up and you know know they are intelligent and have a feel for them."
"Ummmmm...well, okay, but I don't think so."
He went on about the Halloween party they are having in Chicago. I asked if he was wearing a costume, and he said the costumes were puns, and that unless it was a brilliant pun, you were better off not dressing up. He told me about a woman who dressed like Mona Lisa and sneezed all night--the Da Vinci Cold. And another guy who was wearing a suit with a chain hanging out of the fly--Dick Cheney. I didn't think they were that clever.
He finally asked about me. We talked about the school year and I said that I am having a tough time bonding with this group. They are either little druggies, or big dorks.
He made me sound like a horrible person and that it is my job to educate these kids regardless of that. I don't need to bond with them! I need to educate them! By the way, do we have a gifted and talented program here in Missouri, because in New York they do! Again, very condescending.
Idiot--gifted and talented is a part of special education! Yes, we have it!
Some how the topic moved on to some of the accommodations we make for our Jehovah's Witnesses at school. My example was that they can't read A Christmas Carol, so they read Silas Mariner, instead. Same plot. Same theme. No holiday. He then asked if these kids, the Jehovah's Witnesses, like children. I knew this was a Michael Jackson reference, but I thought it was a stupid one. I mean, Jeffrey Dahmer was Catholic, but I don't make jokes about all Catholics being cannibalistic murders. So, I gave him a look, which made him explain the joke like I am 5. He then said, "See, it is a pun. Like those costumes. Never mind."
I told him that is not a pun. There was no play of words there.
Then the play started. Thank God!!!
But intermission was a mere 80 minutes away.
I went to see a very good play with a friend. We met on Match when he was moving to St. Louis from New York. We never, ever tried to date. We just hang out, because my profile was interesting (duh!) and he needed friends here.
So, we usually do things like catch a movie or something. Those movies have always been a little odd, like Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Usually a movie based on a book we have both read.
Let's call my friend MD; not because he is a doctor, but because he is a member of MENSA and he is also a dork. Sound harsh? Yes, but it is also very true. Because he finds every opportunity to tell me that he is MENSA.
Let me tell you, my oldest brother was a member of MENSA, and dropped his membership because the people were so odd. My brother and I have very comparable IQs, so I know if I were so inclined, I could also be a member. I am not interested. I have nothing against the members, and I think it is great to find a niche and to use your brain. I just think that it isn't for everyone who qualifies.
After having a superior attitude about being a member of this group, I finally said my piece, and made it known that I have the IQ, but not the desire. Now, this was after a good 10-15 minutes of having to hear about these people. I just snapped finally.
I also, though, said I think it is great for people who enjoy it, people who are looking to broaden their social circles and especially for someone who has just moved here. In now way did I make it sound like members were losers.
I was asked why I wouldn't want to join, and I explained that my brother had been a member, and after hearing about the things they do, I was not interested. I went on to say that my brother and I are a lot alike in our likes and dislikes, so I saw no reason to try it out.
From there I was berated. I said I would think that many people would network there.
I got a wide-eyed look of "Oh my God! What an idiotic thing to say!" as he went on in an extremely, painfully, condescending voice, "Noooooo...I mean, there was one couple who met there, and they got married after several years, but not really."
"I didn't mean network as in dating, I meant as far as business connections, job opportunities and such."
Same look that I wanted to wipe off of his smug face. "Nooooo. I mean, I have never seen anyone handing out business cards or anything like that. I just doesn't happen. It is a social thing."
"I am not saying that they are actively looking for a job, but if something comes up and you know know they are intelligent and have a feel for them."
"Ummmmm...well, okay, but I don't think so."
He went on about the Halloween party they are having in Chicago. I asked if he was wearing a costume, and he said the costumes were puns, and that unless it was a brilliant pun, you were better off not dressing up. He told me about a woman who dressed like Mona Lisa and sneezed all night--the Da Vinci Cold. And another guy who was wearing a suit with a chain hanging out of the fly--Dick Cheney. I didn't think they were that clever.
He finally asked about me. We talked about the school year and I said that I am having a tough time bonding with this group. They are either little druggies, or big dorks.
He made me sound like a horrible person and that it is my job to educate these kids regardless of that. I don't need to bond with them! I need to educate them! By the way, do we have a gifted and talented program here in Missouri, because in New York they do! Again, very condescending.
Idiot--gifted and talented is a part of special education! Yes, we have it!
Some how the topic moved on to some of the accommodations we make for our Jehovah's Witnesses at school. My example was that they can't read A Christmas Carol, so they read Silas Mariner, instead. Same plot. Same theme. No holiday. He then asked if these kids, the Jehovah's Witnesses, like children. I knew this was a Michael Jackson reference, but I thought it was a stupid one. I mean, Jeffrey Dahmer was Catholic, but I don't make jokes about all Catholics being cannibalistic murders. So, I gave him a look, which made him explain the joke like I am 5. He then said, "See, it is a pun. Like those costumes. Never mind."
I told him that is not a pun. There was no play of words there.
Then the play started. Thank God!!!
But intermission was a mere 80 minutes away.
I saw a cute costume on the news the other day. I guess you could consider it a 'pun'. Tell you him you are going to dress up like a fried egg and wear devil horns on your head. Get it? You are going to be a deviled egg!
Now...that on the cute little boy was funny!
What kind of IQ score do you need to get into MENSA?
I have a high IQ (134)...although sometimes you wouldn't think it. I don't ever try to sound smarter than other people. I don't look down on people that are not as bright. But, I do correct Mark and my children all the time on the way they speak.
I think there are smart people. And then there are nerds. There is a difference.
You are smart, along with all your other great qualities. But you don't come across as a nerd.
P.S. I was 'invited' into the key club in school (all the smart kids were in this) and I turned them down. I turned down a scholarship, too. Boy, was I smart or what? Now, I pay for my schooling?! Go figure. I think I was going through a teenage crisis. I wanted to do what I wanted to do - not what I was told I should be doing.
Anonymous, at 2:34 PM
Marie, with your IQ, and a fairly pricey membership fee, you, my friend, can be a member of Mensa!
I BELIEVE the cut off it 132, or an SAT score or 1250, or something. My brother qualified via SAT score.
I have had 2 different IQ scores, but they are with 4 points, which is not a big deal.
I hate pretense, and the day I act too smart to talk to someone, of just better, slap me silly!
I was a slacker in school. No one wanted me in their academic groups! Amazing was age can do for you.
Beth, at 7:46 PM
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