The Realities of Miss Bethie

Sunday, October 09, 2005

It made me feel a little better...

I went to a play last night with a friend (the play was good, the company sucked, but that is a blog for later).

The play was about a baseball player, a STAR baseball player, who admits he is gay, and everything that happens as a result. It was really a commentary on the world in general.

There was male nudity. LOTS of male nudity, as the shower became a problem for the players.

I really focused more on the actors faces, but I did look down a few times. It was hard not to.

One of the guys, I noticed, had stretch marks and cellulite! A young, buff actor! It made me feel better about my own. I just never think about men as having cellulite!

It is sad what I will grasp on to make me feel better about myself, really


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