The Realities of Miss Bethie

Saturday, August 20, 2005

So much to little time!

I swear, this teaching thing is really cutting into my blog time!

First off, my friend Diane, who moved to Seattle and checks in on the blog was in town and we were able to get together for happy hour. It was a blast seeing her. I am not sure why people think we are loud and chatty when we are together! ;)

IM-guy...One minute he acts totally interested, the next, indifferent. I play him pretty much the same. I really should forget him, but there is just a certain spark about him all of the other guys I am going out with lack.

BMW-guy...second date tonight. Comedy club, then next door after the show to the jazz club. I love jazz. He seems into me and is nice and saves animals. Well, he saved a Bassett hound, but whatever.

Brit...first date tomorrow. Good thing he has the accent, because he sort of bores me. Maybe in person it will be different.

I am quite sure there will be MANY stories this school year. This group of kids are a mess! Usually I say that, and I mean that in a fun, "I adore this kid!" kinda way. But this time it wasn't said in that tone.

But it should make for some fun reading for you guys! :)


  • Glad you had fun with Diane.
    My friend Amy is visiting her mom for this whole week...I can't wait to get together.
    Can't wait for all the stories!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:03 AM  

  • I love it when my out of town friends are in the Lou!
    {Hint...hint to all of you WW ladies!} ;)

    By Blogger Beth, at 3:48 AM  

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