The Realities of Miss Bethie

Sunday, August 14, 2005

He just keeps reeling me in...

IM guy wanted to see me today, but I had to pass because I had so much to do for school tomorrow.

He got snotty with me, and I called him out on it and told him when he decided to stop being a dick-lick, to give me a call.

He apologized and told me he was just tired and getting ready to drive to Minnesota at 5:00am and was crabby.

I told him that I am not prepared to start school tomorrow, I'll be getting up at 4:30, I am tired and want to get some sleep, but can't, yet I was still being nice. Then, in a fiery moment, I said that he hates the fact I am nice, though.

He wrote back, "Stop it! I love that you are nice. I might miss out on something really great, and regret it forever."

I told him he was moodier than me, but forgave him anyway. Especially after he started throwing around names like "honey" and "lover",

Jellyfish have more spine than me!


  • Soooo....what's the update with this one? Anything?
    You have a spine!
    You are just too kind at times.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:38 PM  

  • The status is that he is out of town so we haven't gotten together for a week now. :(
    But, he does make it a point to usually IM, sometimes he calls, in the evening.
    We'll see...still waiting him out.

    By Blogger Beth, at 4:57 PM  

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