The Gym...
I have not been to my gym for about 9 months.
Sad, but true.
I renewed my membership last week, and told them I would be in later for my re-orientation.
I did that today.
Those who know me from WW may recall the trainer from hell. She actually made me cry, and I was unable to walk for 3 days because of her not listening to what I can and cannot do with my bad knees. It was a miserable experience.
Well, my advisor (as opposed to a trainer) was not much better. I mean, I was no where near crying or anything, but she ticked me off about as much.
She never asked me my goals, if I have any limitations, if there was a reason why I stopped going before, what brought me back...NOTHING. She seemed annoyed that I was there (I interrupted a phone call, evidently--even though I had an appointment and showed up exactly on time).
She "walked" me through the program she had made up for me--before ever laying eyes on me. Since I was a member before, she gave me the next step up program--sight unseen. I walk, and I do physical work during the summer, so I don't think I am a wimp, but I also am not an ox, either.
She was showing me some machines, and I said I doubted I could do that.
With total flat affect, "Yes you can."
Move on to next thing. She never showed me the proper way to use the machines, nor did she discuss what weights I should use--because she had written them in there before ever consulting with me.
There was a girl there, about 10 years younger than me and much bigger and stronger looking than me, who was using 25 pounds on the lateral machine, while I was expected, after a 9 month hiatus, to do 40.
The Roman Chair. Sure, I haven't even done a crunch in about 6 months, but let me step onto this thing and repeatedly pull my knees to my chest while holding myself upright with my shoulders and arms. And I am sure the inverted sit ups with an 8 pound medicine ball will be a breeze.
After the adorable Amanda walked off, I floundered through on my own and did what I felt able to do. Afterwards I walked up to a different advisor, who had just finish talking with her client and making a workable program together, and told her that dear Amanda didn't check that I have physical limitations on my card, because she didn't bother to ask.
The whole experience left me in a snit and I am a little crabby about a few other things I just don't want to post about just yet.
I need to work on making this successful for me this time not just in spite of her, but to spite her. (As if she would care about my success one way or the other!)
Sad, but true.
I renewed my membership last week, and told them I would be in later for my re-orientation.
I did that today.
Those who know me from WW may recall the trainer from hell. She actually made me cry, and I was unable to walk for 3 days because of her not listening to what I can and cannot do with my bad knees. It was a miserable experience.
Well, my advisor (as opposed to a trainer) was not much better. I mean, I was no where near crying or anything, but she ticked me off about as much.
She never asked me my goals, if I have any limitations, if there was a reason why I stopped going before, what brought me back...NOTHING. She seemed annoyed that I was there (I interrupted a phone call, evidently--even though I had an appointment and showed up exactly on time).
She "walked" me through the program she had made up for me--before ever laying eyes on me. Since I was a member before, she gave me the next step up program--sight unseen. I walk, and I do physical work during the summer, so I don't think I am a wimp, but I also am not an ox, either.
She was showing me some machines, and I said I doubted I could do that.
With total flat affect, "Yes you can."
Move on to next thing. She never showed me the proper way to use the machines, nor did she discuss what weights I should use--because she had written them in there before ever consulting with me.
There was a girl there, about 10 years younger than me and much bigger and stronger looking than me, who was using 25 pounds on the lateral machine, while I was expected, after a 9 month hiatus, to do 40.
The Roman Chair. Sure, I haven't even done a crunch in about 6 months, but let me step onto this thing and repeatedly pull my knees to my chest while holding myself upright with my shoulders and arms. And I am sure the inverted sit ups with an 8 pound medicine ball will be a breeze.
After the adorable Amanda walked off, I floundered through on my own and did what I felt able to do. Afterwards I walked up to a different advisor, who had just finish talking with her client and making a workable program together, and told her that dear Amanda didn't check that I have physical limitations on my card, because she didn't bother to ask.
The whole experience left me in a snit and I am a little crabby about a few other things I just don't want to post about just yet.
I need to work on making this successful for me this time not just in spite of her, but to spite her. (As if she would care about my success one way or the other!)
I feel for you!
I was in the same situation. I was going to let my membership expire. So, I had to call the gym and schedule what they call an exit interview. Well, I got talked into reconsidering. I went through a whole new eval and the guy (great guy) set me up on an exercise plan and an eating guideline.
I have to say the trainer that I had was wonderful. He took into consideration my bad knee and that I haven't been there in about 8 months. He actually set up my exercises based on my orthos suggestions. So, not only am I not doing something that will hurt me more but I am doing exercises that will help the muscles in that thigh become stronger and support my knee.
I am so glad that you spoke up for yourself.
Anonymous, at 4:56 AM
I didn't speak up for myself. Or rather, I did and it fell on deaf ear. I am not as sore as I expected, but I also didn't do half of what she told me, either. I know you shouldn't go 2 days in a row, but I think I am going to so I can get a few more sessions under my belt before school starts.
Beth, at 7:23 AM
Seriously that behavior is unacceptable. Is there another gym nearby that you could join instead? I would be so peeved! I think you need to complain to someone in charge. Or you should bitchslap Amanda...
Anonymous, at 7:26 PM
I doubt I could get out of my contract, and through my other job I could get into another gym at a discount, although it is a little less convienent and I like the all women facilities better.
I think I am going to try and talk to someone tomorrow. I haven't been back since then, which is why I need a routine I can do, so I actually go there.
Beth, at 8:38 PM
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