Professor called this morning while I was forgetting about him in a warm, frothy bubble bath. He wanted to let me know that he had my CDs, but one was in his briefcase in his office.
But he started the message asking how I felt about being friends with benefits.
I was floored. Not only that he would have the balls to ask me that, but that I thought it wasn't totally a bad idea.
I called him back, and when he answered, I told him he was the most brazen son-of-a-bitch that I know. He laughed and said he just was thinking about me and kept reliving the memories of us together. He then said, "I may be brazen, but I am not hearing a 'no' either."
And he was right--he wasn't hearing no.
He said he woke up this morning thinking about me. I told him I didn't believe that.
He acted hurt by that remark and asked pointedly of I thought he had ever lied to me. And in fact, he never has.
I said that I assumed it wasn't a vision of us walking hand-in-hand on the beach watching a beautiful sunset.
Admittedly, no, that was not the vision.
I asked if he had called the other girl when I didn't answer my phone, or if he called her first.
Nope. They are not talking at all. I always understood that he couldn't possibly be in a relationship, and was able to keep things as is, whereas the other gal was pushing for more from him.
I was thinking, it isn't that I didn't want more...I just didn't want to push him away.
So, they are not talking anymore, and there is no future there. He doesn't want to lead her on, she doesn't want to be with him with no commitment.
So, now I am wanting him physically more than ever.
I am 35 and have only had 5 lovers, so I think I am entitled to have a relationship that is only physical in nature.
And really, it would be more than physical, because our conversation today was about other things, and was still deeper than most guys I have dated recently.
Which makes me think we really would be friends with benefits.
Today, unfortunately, we can't hook up. I have things to do this afternoon, then he is taking his kids out this evening. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday won't work, either, but Thursday looks promising.
He sent me an X-rated text message when we got off the phone.
Damn, the boy turns me on--and I am normally such a good girl!
But he started the message asking how I felt about being friends with benefits.
I was floored. Not only that he would have the balls to ask me that, but that I thought it wasn't totally a bad idea.
I called him back, and when he answered, I told him he was the most brazen son-of-a-bitch that I know. He laughed and said he just was thinking about me and kept reliving the memories of us together. He then said, "I may be brazen, but I am not hearing a 'no' either."
And he was right--he wasn't hearing no.
He said he woke up this morning thinking about me. I told him I didn't believe that.
He acted hurt by that remark and asked pointedly of I thought he had ever lied to me. And in fact, he never has.
I said that I assumed it wasn't a vision of us walking hand-in-hand on the beach watching a beautiful sunset.
Admittedly, no, that was not the vision.
I asked if he had called the other girl when I didn't answer my phone, or if he called her first.
Nope. They are not talking at all. I always understood that he couldn't possibly be in a relationship, and was able to keep things as is, whereas the other gal was pushing for more from him.
I was thinking, it isn't that I didn't want more...I just didn't want to push him away.
So, they are not talking anymore, and there is no future there. He doesn't want to lead her on, she doesn't want to be with him with no commitment.
So, now I am wanting him physically more than ever.
I am 35 and have only had 5 lovers, so I think I am entitled to have a relationship that is only physical in nature.
And really, it would be more than physical, because our conversation today was about other things, and was still deeper than most guys I have dated recently.
Which makes me think we really would be friends with benefits.
Today, unfortunately, we can't hook up. I have things to do this afternoon, then he is taking his kids out this evening. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday won't work, either, but Thursday looks promising.
He sent me an X-rated text message when we got off the phone.
Damn, the boy turns me on--and I am normally such a good girl!
Sure you are a good girl.
That is exactly why you are going to have sex with a man you are not in a committed relationship with, and who will NEVER have a committed relationship with you.
Not only do I stand by my initial comment that you, my dear, are a slut, but you are a bimbo, too.
Anonymous, at 6:09 PM
Its easy to be a bitch when you have the option to not reveal who you are. Its easy to pass judgement on other people when you are only reading snipits of what they are thinking or experiencing.
So, tell me, can you predict the future? How do you know she is going to have sex with him again? Is it so wrong to think about the possibility? Are you some sort of religious zealot who thinks anyone who has just a tad bit of lust in their hearts is going to burn in hell?
Like I said, its easy to be a bitch when you don't need to reveal who you are. Are you afraid that someone may know you and reveal your sins?
Not only that, but having sex with one person doesn't make someone a slut. If that were true than you better be leaving comments like this on a lot more blogs than just this one. If Beth was going around, sleeping with every guy she has ever been on a date with and there was no concern about her own personal feeling or the feelings of the other person - if she was doing it just for the sake of doing it, then you might have a valid argument. Such as it is, you are either coming off as someone who has a chip on their shoulder or as the jealous type. Maybe both?
Do everyone a favor and get off the pulpit. Anyone who is so much of a coward to not reveal who themselves is a waste of time.
Anonymous, at 8:17 PM
Thanks, Bobbert...wanna have sex as my way of showing my gratitude for your wise words? ;)
I don't feel the need to defend my morals, or justify my actions.
There is a very good chance I will have lusty sex with Professor. And,the chances of us getting married and living happily ever after is slim to none.
I never sleep with more than one person at a time. If I were to meet a gentleman whom I really liked, I would break off sexual relations with the Professor before I became intimate with the new man. And he is well aware of that.
You are a judgemental bitch who needs to get with the times. By most standards of today, I am considered fridgid.
Prior to this situation, ever man I slept with was a man I was in a relationship with, and everyone had the potential to be long term, possibly even marriage material.
That being said, I have friends who have had more lovers than they have had pairs of socks. And these same woman, all of whom are intelligent, strong, independent women, would be there for their friends, families and loved ones at a moments notice. They are always there with a helping hand, a strong shoulder, a kind word and healing hug. These are the traits I admire, not the number of sex partners, or even the kind of sex they choose to have.
If you don't like what I have to say, or how I live my life, don't read the blog. But I promise you this, any other woman of my age out there blogging, has probably had more partners than I have, and are not going to really give a rat's ass about your opinion on their lifestyle.
Beth, at 8:52 PM
Beth is one of the most moral, compassionate, human and humane people I know.
She is a woman of great emotion, yet has great self-control.
If she wants to get laid with an educated man whom she finds attractive, and who is obviously attracted to her, then I say more power to her.
I am just jealous that she is having sex with that professor instead of this professor. ;)
Cheers to you, babe,
Anonymous, at 8:31 PM
Thanks, Dare.
And if you weren't on the coast, and I wasn't stuck in middle America...you would be the professor I'd be banging!
Professor and I just had a great chat, and I will post more about it in the morning.
Thanks for the support, boys!
Beth, at 8:56 PM
I have never had sex unless in a committed relationship, and didn't think this would work for me, and to be fair, we've only had one tryst, but so far, I am loving it. We are actually closer emotionally than we were when we were dating. The timing for his is off for a relationship, and there are a issues between us that would most likely prevent us from ever ending up together as a couple. Should I find a guy I want a relationship with, he knows I would stopping the sexual side of this. I do think, though, he needs a friend to talk to about his divorce, his feeling for his wife, and a few other issues, and now that we aren't dating, he is free to discuss them freely. THAT is the relationship he needs now, and, let's face it, explosive orgasms never hurt any body, either! :)
Anyway, every relationship is different, and if FWB isn't working for you, try just being friends.
Thanks for your comments, and I hope you come back and visit!
And after browsing your blog, it looks like we have more in common than just a FWB relationship. Awesome!
Beth, at 7:54 AM
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