The Realities of Miss Bethie

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Open House Night

I hate open house. I live so far away from school, and of course, with gas prices being what they are, I wasn't about to drive back to St. Louis for 2 hours and then turn around. But I was fairly productive and IM guy and I chatted--he was having a rough day.

But we are going out Thursday to the movies. He was concerned that I have to work the next day and he didn't want me too tired. And he wanted to see the romantic comedy rather than the vulgar one. I think he is starting to feel a little protective of me.

Oh, but back to open house... (I keep telling y'all that ADD is contagious!)

I have 4 kids who have parents that work in the district.
One of those parents works in the Central Office with the big wigs.
And her daughter told her mama that the science teacher and myself are her 2 favorite teachers EVER. That is good and bad...the superintendent will definitely hear that, but it may cement this damn special ed thing for the rest of my natural born life.

Another student I had waaaaay back when I was at the elementary school. Her mom told me that she wanted me to have her daughter again so badly, that she was ready to throw a fit in the office if need be. She said to me, "I was prepared to let them know I had never put in any request for a specific teacher before, and I think all parents should get one year out of 13 where they can choose their child's teacher, and I was willing to use that card on you." Very touching.

And one of the students I feel like I made a huge difference in her life, stopped by to thank me. We didn't get to talk too much, because all these parents kept coming in, but it was great to see her looking so happy and "normal".

And them IM guy was waiting for me when I finally got home and logged on the computer. He was sweet talking again. It is like he is falling for me, but I don't entirely trust him.

And given the choice of the 2, Beamer is a nose ahead, right now.


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