The Realities of Miss Bethie

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Beamer & IM-guy

So, I was a little disappointed when I called Sunday night and Beamer wasn't home and didn't return my call.

I was concerned when I was leaving school for the day and no e-mail.

In the meantime, IM guy e-mails me, and actually asks me on a date! I swear, he has a sixth sense whenever I am interested in someone else. Seriously.

He was very sweet and kept paying me compliments and called me when I was leaving school.

I was absolutely neurotic by 7:00 when there was still no word from Beamer.

He called at 7:30 and was just leaving work and didn't realize he had a phone message from me. He was on his way to the gym and I was working the second job.

I told him I would call at 9:00 when I left work. I called, he didn't answer. Around 9:30 he returned the call and we talked for about a half hour. He told me what a great time he had Saturday and that he was looking forward to doing it again this weekend. ME TOO, as it just so happens. He is calling me Thursday when he knows what his week looks like to make plans for Saturday.

Of course on Thursday I should be on my date with IM guy, unless he is called out of town for work, which is a distinct possibility.

So then while I was talking to Beamer (picture to follow soon. I think I have it on my hard drive at home, but I am at school until 8:30 tonight) when IM guy started IMing me. I told him that A&E had a special about meth and that it was filmed in my district. He jokingly said he has meth-mouth, as it is called. I told him I noticed it when we were kissing. He then plays dumb--we kissed before? Oh, that's right. It has been so long ago that I've forgotten.

I let him have. He has no idea how many times I blew some guy off or didn't answer right away that if I would go on a date over the weekend, just waiting for IM to ask me on a date. I gave him every hint, and all he could do was tell me that he was busy, he was talking to other girls on Match, whatever. He piped down, but then said that he had asked me to go to the movies that night, but I was working. I then said it is interesting to me that I can remember his schedule, which is always changing, and where he is, while he can't remember Mondays and Wednesday. He shut up again, then got a phone call himself and had to go. But he did tell me who sweet and nice I am that he is digging that.

Both boys travel so much with their jobs, plus Beamer is on the social committee for his fraternity, so he is often busy. I think I could easily date both of them and they would be none the wiser. :)


  • Bethie, Generally speaking, you could be married and dating and as long as you weren't between the man and the television screen while doing so, you'd be alright.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:37 PM  

  • LOL. Too funny--and probably too true! :)

    By Blogger Beth, at 7:29 PM  

  • Bethie,
    It's Thursday night, and I am wondering 1. how the date was and 2. if Beamer called and you made plans for the weekend.
    LOL Hope it's all good!
    I probably won't be around to check til Sunday, but I'll be expecting an update then!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:37 PM  

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