Just to cap off the evening...
I just found out the art teacher got married over the summer.
Our mutual acquaintance described the wife, and it sounds like he ended up marrying his drugged out ex-fiance (that I was NOT the rebound for...uh-huh...) who slept with his co-workers, friends, her co-workers, including another woman.
Great. Glad he likes the drama and dysfunction. Maybe I should have told him about my assault. He probably would have thrived on it.
(I'm not bitter, though. hahaha)
How come women like that are always in a relationship?
I guess I can delete him from my cellphone.
Our mutual acquaintance described the wife, and it sounds like he ended up marrying his drugged out ex-fiance (that I was NOT the rebound for...uh-huh...) who slept with his co-workers, friends, her co-workers, including another woman.
Great. Glad he likes the drama and dysfunction. Maybe I should have told him about my assault. He probably would have thrived on it.
(I'm not bitter, though. hahaha)
How come women like that are always in a relationship?
I guess I can delete him from my cellphone.
I don't even know what to say.
Wasn't there a little girl involved in this whole story?
Maybe he saw past the ex's problems and loved the little girl too much.
All I can say is it is his lose.
If you ever run into him, wish him well and say that you know he will need it.
Anonymous, at 9:59 AM
I know it was his loss. Seriously. I also know it was mainly the kids that brought him back to her. Yes, that is the story with the little girl he had anxiety attacks about. That was the draw, I know.
Still, it stings just a bit.
Beth, at 1:17 PM
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