The Realities of Miss Bethie

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Last Wednesday's Date

Ummm...yeah. NOT a love connection. Nope.

He had Billy-Bob teeth. I can't deal with that. It may sound shallow, but there you have it. They can be a little overweight, bald, average-at-best looking, but you have to have decent teeth. Not even perfect, but nice.

Second--the mole. He had one of those crazy, freaky, ugly big-ass moles in the middle of his forehead. Seriously, it had me wigged-out! I think it had a life-force of its own.

He used incorrect grammar all night--including the word "ain't".

Many references to "Blacks" that were not very flattering were made.

The worst part, he told me that I am the sweetest thing he has ever met and that he thought I was really pretty.

I hate when that happens!

But not as much as when they say stuff like that, and you think you could have a little spark, but then he doesn't call again. (Referring to the Saturday night date I didn't want to jinx).

Further, on the same issue, I called him the following Monday and we talked for a fairly long time, and about personal stuff, yet I was the one to end the call. Thought is was going well.



  • I was waiting for an update from's about time!
    I know how you are about teeth.
    It is also one of the first things I notice when I meet someone. Eyes and teeth...then, if it is a guy, it is his butt!
    Time for me to read on.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:13 AM  

  • Hehehe...the butt is addressed later!

    By Blogger Beth, at 8:32 AM  

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