The Realities of Miss Bethie

Monday, June 27, 2005

The Weight Watcher Police Are After Me!!!

I did not go to my WW meeting Friday, because, quite frankly, with no air conditioner, I think I was in some sort of heat induced coma and set my alarm incorrectly, waking up with 15 minutes to get to the meeting. I could have done it, but I had one of those embarrassing pillow marks on my face, bedhead from walking earlier, sweating and then laying down, and dragon breath. It was not a pretty sight. In fact, the plus side of being single is that I don't have to subject some poor soul whom I care for to that first thing in the morning.

Today in the mail--a postcard from my leader and the receptionist telling me they missed me Friday and want to help me achieve my weight loss goals one step at a time--but I have to want the same thing.

Holy-moly! I think I signed up for a cult!

There is another, different WW cult on one of the message boards, too. Luckily I was kicked out of that cult before I shaved my head and started sacrificing marshmallow chicks.


  • Don't worry Beth! I've gotten one of those notes too. They'll accept you back with open arms whenever you're ready!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:44 AM  

  • Yeah, I figure everybody gets one.

    I thought I was doing well this week, but my jeans are a little tight.
    Dang, and I was hoping to get popcorn at the movies tonight! :)

    By Blogger Beth, at 12:45 PM  

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