The Realities of Miss Bethie

Monday, July 18, 2005

Silly boys...

So, 2 days ago I got an e-mail from a prospective suitor. He was hot, but not really my type. Still, I was intrigued, so I replied in my usually flirty, witty way. He responded to my response and wanted to take me fishing.
I said that maybe he should reserve fishing for something to do with the boys, although I am not adverse to lazily floating on the river as a weekend diversion.
He sends back the canned e-mail response that he has met someone else and wants to see where that goes.

That's great, because really, he is not my type. But he sends me e-mails for 2 days, then meets someone else? Maybe. Or he didn't like my last response.
Either way, what a dork.



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