Sunday Girl...
So, I have had a date the last 2 Sundays with a guy who I will refer to as...
Oh, I don't know...Groper is too strong, geek is a little harsh, Divorced Dad doesn't really give him much identity. I'll call him The Engineer, I guess.
Same guy who had his hand on my thigh last Sunday. We went out and shot pool this past Sunday. It was fine. He was nice again. He is a nice enough guy, really. Earlier in the week, he said he wanted to make dinner for me, and I said it was a little too soon for that.
So, we played pool. He is dorky, as many engineers are, but that isn't a huge issue. I do think he has sexy hands, and he has nice eyes. He was about the PDA again. I was able to brush him off much of the night, and I didn't mind the kissy-face stuff when he walked me to my vehicle.
He made me laugh when he said once again he wants to make dinner for me. I said I wanted to take things slowly and didn't think I was ready for dinner at his place. He answered, "I'll just make hotdogs, then. That's not too serious!"
So, he has his son the next 2 weeks. He wants us to get together. Am I wrong, or is that sort of pushing things a bit? I mean, if I were a parent, which I am not, I wouldn't introduce my child to anyone I wasn't in an exclusive, long term relationship with, and certainly wouldn't introduce him to someone I met online and went out with only 2 times.
Am I wrong to be slightly wigged out? Comments, please?
Incidentally, I realize, looking back, this post rambles, my paragraph breaks make no sense, and it isn't so witty or insightful. It definitely isn't thought provoking. I'll try better tomorrow!
Oh, I don't know...Groper is too strong, geek is a little harsh, Divorced Dad doesn't really give him much identity. I'll call him The Engineer, I guess.
Same guy who had his hand on my thigh last Sunday. We went out and shot pool this past Sunday. It was fine. He was nice again. He is a nice enough guy, really. Earlier in the week, he said he wanted to make dinner for me, and I said it was a little too soon for that.
So, we played pool. He is dorky, as many engineers are, but that isn't a huge issue. I do think he has sexy hands, and he has nice eyes. He was about the PDA again. I was able to brush him off much of the night, and I didn't mind the kissy-face stuff when he walked me to my vehicle.
He made me laugh when he said once again he wants to make dinner for me. I said I wanted to take things slowly and didn't think I was ready for dinner at his place. He answered, "I'll just make hotdogs, then. That's not too serious!"
So, he has his son the next 2 weeks. He wants us to get together. Am I wrong, or is that sort of pushing things a bit? I mean, if I were a parent, which I am not, I wouldn't introduce my child to anyone I wasn't in an exclusive, long term relationship with, and certainly wouldn't introduce him to someone I met online and went out with only 2 times.
Am I wrong to be slightly wigged out? Comments, please?
Incidentally, I realize, looking back, this post rambles, my paragraph breaks make no sense, and it isn't so witty or insightful. It definitely isn't thought provoking. I'll try better tomorrow!
Is this the same guy who has a bit much to drink on your first date and was into PDA? Not that it matters. On the issue with the son, I do think it's too soon, especially with his history of PDA. If you could pull off a get together and really come across on just friends, that would be one thing. But, it sounds like this guy has a hard time keeping his hands off you - which wouldn't be good in front of the child, especially at this early stage. S and I talked on the phone for a couple of weeks before we actually met, and he thought I should bring the girls on our first date. Sometimes men just don't get it. He did meet them about a month later - and even that was probably too soon. But, now that we're 5 years into it, I guess it worked our o.k.
Anonymous, at 11:26 AM
It is the same guy.
I told him I want to take things slowly, and I want to wait quite sometime, and until we know if we are going to date for a while of not before meeting his kid.
He said he understands and respects that.
I won't see him for about 2 weeks now because he has his son for that long. (He and his ex have joint custody, and according to court documents, he is the custodial parent.)
Men don't get it, but I am glad you did, and that you and S have worked out! :)
Beth, at 8:19 PM
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