The Weekend in Review...
So, Friday, while in line getting some paperwork straightened out to get my title on the Sebring so that I can get my paperwork for the Santa Fe (and yet another story for later), just as I get to the front of the line and the bank teller asks how he can help me, my cellphone rings. I let it go to voicemail, and get a bit more runaround. Check the voicemail, and it is the idiot who backed into me, saying he just wants to pay me, and he will call back between 7:00 and 8:00, so I have time to have dinner and relax.
I was going to meet some friends for drinks, but decided to skip to get this taken care of. Guess who didn't call.
I called him at the number my cellphone had listed when he called, and left a messaging telling him I had cancelled my plans and that he better call soon or else it was just going to his insurance.
He called a few hours later, apologizing...Whatever...And asked what the amount was. I told him, and he said, "For a grill?"
That can't be right.
I assure you, it is.
We better just send it to my insurance, I can't afford that out of pocket.
I thanked him for wasting 2 months time. He insisted he did no such thing. He blamed his insurance, and I reminded him that ultimately, since he decided to back up at a red light without looking behind him, it was, regardless of communication breakdowns with him or his insurance, his fault.
Saturday morning, I called BBB. Left a message. It is now 7:30 Sunday night, and no message. I am a little down about that. {Sigh}. Par for the course. So, I had, in having a nice message from him Thursday night, left Saturday open for him. When that didn't happen, I went to my grandma and grandpa's to show off the new vehicle. Gramps is a car man, and they have a new kitten I hadn't met yet.
Grandma's slipping mental and physical state, as well as the "old person" smell that now emanates throughout their house did not lighten my mood.
Today, my niece got her first tooth, so, Mom, Pop and myself went out to see for ourselves (this is how lame we are!) That could have been fun, if, for the 2 and a half hours out there, I had been able to interact with the baby for more than 15-20 minutes. Mom is a baby hog, and that is 3+ hours -- with the commute -- I will never have back in my life.
Really, normally I am not this negative. I apologize. Weekends like this do nothing for my already tenuous self-esteem, however.
More later--after I fix a few things on the computer and finish some VERY late school work.
I was going to meet some friends for drinks, but decided to skip to get this taken care of. Guess who didn't call.
I called him at the number my cellphone had listed when he called, and left a messaging telling him I had cancelled my plans and that he better call soon or else it was just going to his insurance.
He called a few hours later, apologizing...Whatever...And asked what the amount was. I told him, and he said, "For a grill?"
That can't be right.
I assure you, it is.
We better just send it to my insurance, I can't afford that out of pocket.
I thanked him for wasting 2 months time. He insisted he did no such thing. He blamed his insurance, and I reminded him that ultimately, since he decided to back up at a red light without looking behind him, it was, regardless of communication breakdowns with him or his insurance, his fault.
Saturday morning, I called BBB. Left a message. It is now 7:30 Sunday night, and no message. I am a little down about that. {Sigh}. Par for the course. So, I had, in having a nice message from him Thursday night, left Saturday open for him. When that didn't happen, I went to my grandma and grandpa's to show off the new vehicle. Gramps is a car man, and they have a new kitten I hadn't met yet.
Grandma's slipping mental and physical state, as well as the "old person" smell that now emanates throughout their house did not lighten my mood.
Today, my niece got her first tooth, so, Mom, Pop and myself went out to see for ourselves (this is how lame we are!) That could have been fun, if, for the 2 and a half hours out there, I had been able to interact with the baby for more than 15-20 minutes. Mom is a baby hog, and that is 3+ hours -- with the commute -- I will never have back in my life.
Really, normally I am not this negative. I apologize. Weekends like this do nothing for my already tenuous self-esteem, however.
More later--after I fix a few things on the computer and finish some VERY late school work.
At least you didn't sit in the house waiting for hime to call! Now, that would have been wasted time you would never get back. But, you spent time with family.
Car sounds great! What color?
P.S. I dont' much like the smell of old people either. Between that and the smell of the moth balls they put in their house.
I use to work in a resturant and whenever I would have to work the grill and fry up a bunch of burgers, the smeel reminded me or old people. I think that is why I don't like red meat too much. I guess I wonder in the back of my little pea brain is old people are rotting from the inside and they smell that way.
Sorry if that sounds gross!
But, I do love old people!!! and babies!!!
Anonymous, at 4:07 PM
Sorry abount the bunch of typos. I am still sitting on my floor in my bedroom typing but the living room/dinning room is almost done and I will be back there soon!
Anonymous, at 4:08 PM
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