A different kind of speed dating...
Flash to the past...
Here is an interesting online dating story.
I did the e-Harmony thing for awhile. Don't highly recommend it personally, but I do know a few people who have had some mixed success with it.
Here is the most memorable date from my days at eHarmony.
Some guy who lived close to me was going to college to become a teacher. Must be fate.
So, I am looking at this guy's pics... I can't tell if it is a bad toupe or a bad hair transplant. Interesting. Despite my trepidation I proceed through the many hoops eHarmony puts in your path to true and ever-lasting love or humiliating dates.
We talked on the phone and he seemed fine. So, we planned a date. Something simple and casual. Meet at Border's book and from there go to a nearby park that is actually an outdoor art museum.
So I pull up to Border's and a man whiter than me is outside wearing long white basketball shorts and a matching tank top, that thankfully had a t-shirt underneath it. And it is bad plugs. Like baby-doll hair sprouting from his scalp, in perfect geometric formation.
Sadly, that isn't the creepy part.
We sit at the Border's Cafe for a few minutes, and the entire time he is looking around with shifty eyes and is acting real jittery. He never makes eye contact while we are talking, and can hardly sit still in his chair. After about 15-20 minutes of this, he says that before he goes to the park, he has to make a phone call, and he will go out to his car to do it.
I am sure he is either going to call his drug dealer or do more of whatever his is already on. So, when I see the albino-gangsta-wannabe walking back from his car, I picked up my cellphone and feigned alarm.
Coincidentally enough, just as he went out to his car, my nephew called to tell me his mom had to take his sister to the hospital and could I please get there right away because he was worried and didn't want to be alone. ;)
So it was a 20 minute date. About 2 weeks later he called me. At 2:30am. Booty call. EHarmony was told about their screening not being as great as they advertise it to be.
And NOOOOO I did NOT respond to the booty-call! Sheesh!
Here is an interesting online dating story.
I did the e-Harmony thing for awhile. Don't highly recommend it personally, but I do know a few people who have had some mixed success with it.
Here is the most memorable date from my days at eHarmony.
Some guy who lived close to me was going to college to become a teacher. Must be fate.
So, I am looking at this guy's pics... I can't tell if it is a bad toupe or a bad hair transplant. Interesting. Despite my trepidation I proceed through the many hoops eHarmony puts in your path to true and ever-lasting love or humiliating dates.
We talked on the phone and he seemed fine. So, we planned a date. Something simple and casual. Meet at Border's book and from there go to a nearby park that is actually an outdoor art museum.
So I pull up to Border's and a man whiter than me is outside wearing long white basketball shorts and a matching tank top, that thankfully had a t-shirt underneath it. And it is bad plugs. Like baby-doll hair sprouting from his scalp, in perfect geometric formation.
Sadly, that isn't the creepy part.
We sit at the Border's Cafe for a few minutes, and the entire time he is looking around with shifty eyes and is acting real jittery. He never makes eye contact while we are talking, and can hardly sit still in his chair. After about 15-20 minutes of this, he says that before he goes to the park, he has to make a phone call, and he will go out to his car to do it.
I am sure he is either going to call his drug dealer or do more of whatever his is already on. So, when I see the albino-gangsta-wannabe walking back from his car, I picked up my cellphone and feigned alarm.
Coincidentally enough, just as he went out to his car, my nephew called to tell me his mom had to take his sister to the hospital and could I please get there right away because he was worried and didn't want to be alone. ;)
So it was a 20 minute date. About 2 weeks later he called me. At 2:30am. Booty call. EHarmony was told about their screening not being as great as they advertise it to be.
And NOOOOO I did NOT respond to the booty-call! Sheesh!
I remember this guy!!!
Anonymous, at 6:27 AM
Yeah, I'll have to relive the Captain Underwear thing another day, too!
Baldy-bald guy, who I wasn't expecting to be bald, insisted that they no longer do hair transplants like this, when we were reliving our worst online dating stories. (I had FAR more stories than him--and I bet he didn't expect to become one of them! hahaha)
I wish I had saved the picture of Transplant-boy to show him. It was bad. Maybe he had it done more cheaply in the Phillipines or something. I dunno.
Beth, at 12:17 PM
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