Second date...
Still no kissy-face.
Now, to be fair about it, there was not really a good opportunity. I made the mistake of parking too close to a bar, so that when he walked me back to my car, there were people all around. He is a shy guy, as far a physical contact.
And that is probably a good thing for me at this point.
But, once again I am a little hoarse from talking and laughing all night. He loves(so he says)the stories I tell. He is a great audience.
He is probably one of the most content people I have ever met, and nothing seems to get him too riled up. He has an easy, loud laugh, and is easy to talk to. He is the kind of guy you call when you need to move your refrigerator. He is unpretentious and likes mankind. He doesn't seem to judge, but still laughs at stupidity--especially his own.
I am meeting him Friday to do trivia night with his sister and her co-workers. I like his sister already, just from what he has told me about her.
We also have a fourth date set-up, going to see the new Busch Stadium when they have an open-house tour in a couple of weeks.
I am not feeling the full-on physical, sexual attraction that can be so exciting. I am, however, feeling that comfortable, "I-feel-like-I-have-know-you-for-eons", thing that makes relationships endure. And ain't that grand?
Now, to be fair about it, there was not really a good opportunity. I made the mistake of parking too close to a bar, so that when he walked me back to my car, there were people all around. He is a shy guy, as far a physical contact.
And that is probably a good thing for me at this point.
But, once again I am a little hoarse from talking and laughing all night. He loves(so he says)the stories I tell. He is a great audience.
He is probably one of the most content people I have ever met, and nothing seems to get him too riled up. He has an easy, loud laugh, and is easy to talk to. He is the kind of guy you call when you need to move your refrigerator. He is unpretentious and likes mankind. He doesn't seem to judge, but still laughs at stupidity--especially his own.
I am meeting him Friday to do trivia night with his sister and her co-workers. I like his sister already, just from what he has told me about her.
We also have a fourth date set-up, going to see the new Busch Stadium when they have an open-house tour in a couple of weeks.
I am not feeling the full-on physical, sexual attraction that can be so exciting. I am, however, feeling that comfortable, "I-feel-like-I-have-know-you-for-eons", thing that makes relationships endure. And ain't that grand?
Yes, it is grand!
You know my thoughts on the good guy types!
Anonymous, at 1:24 PM
A good guy type has made you a blissful domestic goddess! :)
Beth, at 9:27 PM
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