The Realities of Miss Bethie

Monday, September 12, 2005

For my WW friends...

If you haven't checked out the blog She Just Walks Around With It, the writers latest posts may really strike a chord with a few of you.

I've been having some body issues again, because it is what I do--especially when things are going well with other facets of my life--and these recent posts really hit home on many levels.

Nothin' but love for you ladies! :)


  • I did read this the other day.

    In a way, it feels good to know that you (meaning me) are not alone.

    With me, I never had a weight issue until I got out of high school. I actually had the opposite. I was TOO SKINNY! I can't even imagine that.

    I have be having a hard time with my body imagine more so lately. I don't know what it is. I run from a camera....I am starting to refuse to go out with friends because, I will have nothing to wear. Or, I will have nothing that I like on me. My hubby says that it is funny when I say I have nothing to wear. I must have a closet full of nothing to wear.

    But, anyway, I love her blog. Thanks for linking it here...that is where I first found it and then bookmarked it.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:39 AM  

  • Yep--I was too skinny for a spell, too. I sometimes long for those days, although I stopped having a period because of it. That's no good! At 35, I am wiggy about my fertility as it is!

    Her blog is awesome.

    By Blogger Beth, at 5:53 AM  

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