The Details
I met Beamer in Clayton, which has little meaning to most of you, but it is an upscale area with a lot of businesses and expensive housing. It is a yuppie haven, and it is where he works. In fact, based on the bar he was at when I got there, and other information I have gathered, the boy is, in fact, a yuppie. But that is okay! Darren and James, two of my favorite people ever (hi, guys!) are Yuppies! (Don't even deny it!) I am okay with that, and, as it turns out, he is a yuppie with a heart.
So, I was to call him when I got into Clayton so we could figure out where to meet. I parked my car, and called, and he was having drinks at a yuppie bar with some co-workers/friends. I freaked. I was not prepared to meet friends yet! He asked where I parked, and I found out I was about 4 blocks away. He suggested to park closer, and meet him at the bar. I drove around for 15-20 minutes. There was no closer parking, so I ended up almost exactly where I was before and walked the 4-5 blocks in my strappy high heeled sandals. So much for my baby-soft feet. By time I finally got there, his friends were gone (whew!) I had wanted to sit for a bit and have a drink, but instead, he gave me a big hug (good), told me it was good to see me (very good) then took my hand and started walking to the fair (OY! the agony of de feet!)
While waiting for me, two of his buddies called to see what he was doing. One was his cousin and the other a fraternity brother he is still very close to.
He was sweet and held my hand and really tried to get into the art. Some of it I think he liked, although he is a self-professed art ignoramus. We hadn't gone too far and we ran into his cousin, the one who had called. We talked for quite a bit, and at this time, they were talking about various things they had planned, such as the many Mizzou games they were going to (they have season tickets), a bachelor party for another cousin and "limo night" from the limo he rented for the wedding that didn't happen--the limo company wouldn't refund the money, but said they could use it some other night, so he and the boys are having a night out. (I am thinking I could make it worth his time to take me out in the limo, but whatever.) ;)
When discussing the bachelor party, Beamer mentioned that one of his co-worker's nieces dances on the east side (meaning East St. Louis, where all the topless bars and strip clubs are). Then both go into this innocent little boy act of, "Not that I know what goes on there. It is shameful to imagine having a bachelor party there!" (Even though his wedding was called off, Beamer still had his bachelor party in Miami, as planned. I don't want to think about what that night entailed, although he has told me he hasn't had any form of sex since the fiance left him, so I guess he didn't get too wild out there).
We said goodbye to them, and ran into several other people that he knows. I was beginning to feel like I have no friends, when we ran into Kerri and Marty. Kerri is my friend who knows the art teacher and broke the news to me that he had gotten married over the summer. Beamer was sweet and charming and friendly. I know Kerri was glad to see me out with someone else--especially a nice guy who treats me well, and, at least so far, is stable and normal.
We stopped and had sushi, which was my first time ever having it. He was really sweet, picking out something he thought I would like, and showing me how to use the chopsticks (I finally got a fork) and how to mix the wasabi and soy sauce. It was cute. Sitting right behind me was a local radio personality who is arrogant and just a big blowhard. He was being loud and spouting off his political ideas, being loud enough that we couldn't have a conversation. The DJ has some conservative views and was saying some things about the hurricane victims that I totally found out of line. With Beamer being a yuppie, I thought he may have some of the same view points. Instead, he said what an idiot the DJ was and we spent the rest of dinner rolling our eyes and giggling about what the idiot said. And when the DJ made a comment how republicans work harder for their money and want to protect it, Beamer got offended for me--who works her ass of, putting in way more than 40 hours a week for my kiddos, has to work a second job, and still makes a fraction of what the idiot DJ, who works 3 and a half hours for his show, gets. Awwww...
After dinner, we walked around the fair some more, ran into the cousin again. He was at a jewelry booth letting his wife go nuts there and egging her on to buy more. He would be talking to us, turn over his shoulder, "Yeah, honey, I really liked that one. I think you should get three rings and stack them. The necklace looks great on you..."
A little further along the way we went to this booth, they had graphite carvings that could be used as pencils. They were interesting, if not impractical. We walked away and Beamer said, "Well, now I know what I am getting you for Christmas." Christmas?!?! Wow. I was excited, but also a little shocked. He plans on keeping me around until then, I guess. Smart boy, huh?
We did some more walking, and my feet were absolutely killing me by this point, and we were holding hands, and he was nuzzling me and such. We then run into one of his best friends. The other one who had called him, as a matter of fact. He is there with his beautiful new girlfriend who is thin with big boobs, expensive clothes and a distinct aire about her. Shortly after bumping into us, she continued walking to catch up with friends while her date stayed back with us. I am sure that was the reason his buddy called him--trying to get Beamer to meet his girlfriend's friends. They weren't given a second look by Beamer. Ha. Again, more talk of up coming plans. Beamer has a social calendar that would rival the President's, I think.
After the buddy went his own way, Beamer told me he had interacted with his buddy's date on Match sometime ago, but they never actually met. He didn't seem to taken with her in personal, although she was gorgeous, I have to say. I felt pretty confident after hearing this.
After awhile, he asked if I was still up for going back to his place for drinks. Yup. He took me to my car and I followed him.
So, on the way to his place, we stopped at the store and got daiquiri mix, rum and ice. In the parking lot of the store, he asked if I recognized the store from the news. I did not. He said, "This is where they caught the Southside Rapist."
Then he got a look on his face of, "Holy crap! I just said that to a girl who was sexually assaulted!" I smiled and said, "No, I don't recognize it from that, but the whole city gave a sigh of relief when he was caught."
After we left the store, I turned up my radio; the radio station is playing 80s music all weekend. He called me on my cell, and I missed it because I was singing along to the likes of A-Ha and Big Country. He left a message that he just wanted me to know that he was glad I was going to his place, he was hoping to talk the last few miles to his house, but was looking forward to talking when we got to his place, and he just wanted to make sure I was doing alright following him and we would be there shortly. So sweet.
So, we get to his place, and here is what got my sick, sick heart racing...
He excused himself to go brush his teeth. He hadn't brushed them since he had left for work in the morning and really wanted to brush them. {sigh} Good, strong, clean teeth.
He made the drinks--not really good, but let's face it, the daiquiris were just an excuse for both of us. I was asked if I brought my swimsuit, and I answer that I hadn't, because he hadn't mentioned getting in the hottub and I didn't want to be presumptuous. Anytime I am invited to his house, he told me, I she bring my swimsuit. He introduced me to his dog, who was pretty and sweet. We went outside to his deck and he made a fire in his wood burning fireplace outside (even though it was 80 degrees. He was romantic, though.) We talked, he rubbed my shoulders, and this is really all you need to hear. No sex, and he was very much a gentleman, always making sure I was comfortable and so on.
He didn't say when he would call, and that is fine. Now that I have seen just how busy, and popular he is, I understand when he doesn't get around to calling right away. I have a feeling he plans on keeping me around for awhile, and I hope that he does. He has friends coming in town in a couple of weeks, and he has other things going on in the meantime, but I know he will do his best to find some "Miss Bethie Time".
So, I was to call him when I got into Clayton so we could figure out where to meet. I parked my car, and called, and he was having drinks at a yuppie bar with some co-workers/friends. I freaked. I was not prepared to meet friends yet! He asked where I parked, and I found out I was about 4 blocks away. He suggested to park closer, and meet him at the bar. I drove around for 15-20 minutes. There was no closer parking, so I ended up almost exactly where I was before and walked the 4-5 blocks in my strappy high heeled sandals. So much for my baby-soft feet. By time I finally got there, his friends were gone (whew!) I had wanted to sit for a bit and have a drink, but instead, he gave me a big hug (good), told me it was good to see me (very good) then took my hand and started walking to the fair (OY! the agony of de feet!)
While waiting for me, two of his buddies called to see what he was doing. One was his cousin and the other a fraternity brother he is still very close to.
He was sweet and held my hand and really tried to get into the art. Some of it I think he liked, although he is a self-professed art ignoramus. We hadn't gone too far and we ran into his cousin, the one who had called. We talked for quite a bit, and at this time, they were talking about various things they had planned, such as the many Mizzou games they were going to (they have season tickets), a bachelor party for another cousin and "limo night" from the limo he rented for the wedding that didn't happen--the limo company wouldn't refund the money, but said they could use it some other night, so he and the boys are having a night out. (I am thinking I could make it worth his time to take me out in the limo, but whatever.) ;)
When discussing the bachelor party, Beamer mentioned that one of his co-worker's nieces dances on the east side (meaning East St. Louis, where all the topless bars and strip clubs are). Then both go into this innocent little boy act of, "Not that I know what goes on there. It is shameful to imagine having a bachelor party there!" (Even though his wedding was called off, Beamer still had his bachelor party in Miami, as planned. I don't want to think about what that night entailed, although he has told me he hasn't had any form of sex since the fiance left him, so I guess he didn't get too wild out there).
We said goodbye to them, and ran into several other people that he knows. I was beginning to feel like I have no friends, when we ran into Kerri and Marty. Kerri is my friend who knows the art teacher and broke the news to me that he had gotten married over the summer. Beamer was sweet and charming and friendly. I know Kerri was glad to see me out with someone else--especially a nice guy who treats me well, and, at least so far, is stable and normal.
We stopped and had sushi, which was my first time ever having it. He was really sweet, picking out something he thought I would like, and showing me how to use the chopsticks (I finally got a fork) and how to mix the wasabi and soy sauce. It was cute. Sitting right behind me was a local radio personality who is arrogant and just a big blowhard. He was being loud and spouting off his political ideas, being loud enough that we couldn't have a conversation. The DJ has some conservative views and was saying some things about the hurricane victims that I totally found out of line. With Beamer being a yuppie, I thought he may have some of the same view points. Instead, he said what an idiot the DJ was and we spent the rest of dinner rolling our eyes and giggling about what the idiot said. And when the DJ made a comment how republicans work harder for their money and want to protect it, Beamer got offended for me--who works her ass of, putting in way more than 40 hours a week for my kiddos, has to work a second job, and still makes a fraction of what the idiot DJ, who works 3 and a half hours for his show, gets. Awwww...
After dinner, we walked around the fair some more, ran into the cousin again. He was at a jewelry booth letting his wife go nuts there and egging her on to buy more. He would be talking to us, turn over his shoulder, "Yeah, honey, I really liked that one. I think you should get three rings and stack them. The necklace looks great on you..."
A little further along the way we went to this booth, they had graphite carvings that could be used as pencils. They were interesting, if not impractical. We walked away and Beamer said, "Well, now I know what I am getting you for Christmas." Christmas?!?! Wow. I was excited, but also a little shocked. He plans on keeping me around until then, I guess. Smart boy, huh?
We did some more walking, and my feet were absolutely killing me by this point, and we were holding hands, and he was nuzzling me and such. We then run into one of his best friends. The other one who had called him, as a matter of fact. He is there with his beautiful new girlfriend who is thin with big boobs, expensive clothes and a distinct aire about her. Shortly after bumping into us, she continued walking to catch up with friends while her date stayed back with us. I am sure that was the reason his buddy called him--trying to get Beamer to meet his girlfriend's friends. They weren't given a second look by Beamer. Ha. Again, more talk of up coming plans. Beamer has a social calendar that would rival the President's, I think.
After the buddy went his own way, Beamer told me he had interacted with his buddy's date on Match sometime ago, but they never actually met. He didn't seem to taken with her in personal, although she was gorgeous, I have to say. I felt pretty confident after hearing this.
After awhile, he asked if I was still up for going back to his place for drinks. Yup. He took me to my car and I followed him.
So, on the way to his place, we stopped at the store and got daiquiri mix, rum and ice. In the parking lot of the store, he asked if I recognized the store from the news. I did not. He said, "This is where they caught the Southside Rapist."
Then he got a look on his face of, "Holy crap! I just said that to a girl who was sexually assaulted!" I smiled and said, "No, I don't recognize it from that, but the whole city gave a sigh of relief when he was caught."
After we left the store, I turned up my radio; the radio station is playing 80s music all weekend. He called me on my cell, and I missed it because I was singing along to the likes of A-Ha and Big Country. He left a message that he just wanted me to know that he was glad I was going to his place, he was hoping to talk the last few miles to his house, but was looking forward to talking when we got to his place, and he just wanted to make sure I was doing alright following him and we would be there shortly. So sweet.
So, we get to his place, and here is what got my sick, sick heart racing...
He excused himself to go brush his teeth. He hadn't brushed them since he had left for work in the morning and really wanted to brush them. {sigh} Good, strong, clean teeth.
He made the drinks--not really good, but let's face it, the daiquiris were just an excuse for both of us. I was asked if I brought my swimsuit, and I answer that I hadn't, because he hadn't mentioned getting in the hottub and I didn't want to be presumptuous. Anytime I am invited to his house, he told me, I she bring my swimsuit. He introduced me to his dog, who was pretty and sweet. We went outside to his deck and he made a fire in his wood burning fireplace outside (even though it was 80 degrees. He was romantic, though.) We talked, he rubbed my shoulders, and this is really all you need to hear. No sex, and he was very much a gentleman, always making sure I was comfortable and so on.
He didn't say when he would call, and that is fine. Now that I have seen just how busy, and popular he is, I understand when he doesn't get around to calling right away. I have a feeling he plans on keeping me around for awhile, and I hope that he does. He has friends coming in town in a couple of weeks, and he has other things going on in the meantime, but I know he will do his best to find some "Miss Bethie Time".
I am glad that Jim's results turned out to be negative.
And what is with the name calling? I'm a yuppie? Well, this yuppie thinks you're fantastic, and I am sure Beamer does, too.
Anonymous, at 7:14 PM
You ARE a yuppie! But you and James are 2 of my favorite people. They are like Frazier and Niles, people! Only not quite that pretentious. :)
(They are brothers, for those of you who don't know them.)
And Darren is the best looking man I have seen in person. Seriously.
But James has to cutest butt in recorded history. hahaha
Fine genetics in that family! :)
Beth, at 11:42 PM
Now I am blushing, and I am not sure if it is the compliment paid to me, or that now I have the visual of my brother's butt being so gosh darn cute.
You two should plan a weekend in here. I'll take you out on the boat. Yuppies love sailboats.
Anonymous, at 5:27 PM
Hum, a great looking guy...a guy with a great butt....where's the pictures?
Sounds like you had a good time.
So, do you know when you will get together again?
Sounds like he is one busy man.
Christmas? Wow! That is a good sign.
Anonymous, at 4:44 AM
(Darren is soooo going to kick my ass!)
I had a very nice time. We have no plans at this time, but like I said, now that I have seen what his social calendar is like, it is not a huge concern. I am quite sure I will be hearing from him this week. Mizzou has another home game Saturday, so I know we won't get together Saturday, which is my niece's first birthday party, so that is fine. The following weekend, which is already full for me, he has friends in town from Atlanta. But I have no doubt we will find time to get together soon.
And Darren, we would all like to have pics! :)
Beth, at 6:27 AM
darren is boston guy right? hi darren - i live in brighton - pleased to meet u...
anyways - sounds like a perfect date and i'm very happy that u feel more relaxed about it now. of course i will force u to come back and read this post when u get all freaked b/c he hasn't called LOL
Anonymous, at 10:11 AM
Please do remind me of that!
The next few weekends he has a ton going on, so that is going to make me a little sad, but knowing upfront, and hearing these people talk about it, I am expecting it and know it is on the up and up.
Yup--Darren is the Boston hottie! :)
(Aside from Matt, I mean!)
(And you are the female Boston hottie.)
Beth, at 10:33 AM
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