The Realities of Miss Bethie

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Jobby-Job

So, two major reasons I quit my previous teaching positions was because I wanted out of special ed, and because I wanted to be closer to home, with gas prices being what they are, and all.

I had an interview with a special education co-op that was even further away. They offered me a job in special ed, working with 4 kids in grades 5 and 6, with the label Emotionally Disturbed. I will have a paraprofessional with me.

So, I am further away and still in special ed. The special ed part will not be too bad, because the paperwork on 4 kids, compared to 18-22 at any given time, will be much less taxing. The paperwork, as well as the director, who is one of the few people in this world I truly cannot stand to the point that I could probably call it hate, were what was sucking the joy out of my job. I LOVE the special needs kids. I love the challenge of them, and trying to break their little codes.

I now have insurance, I am still in my retirement system, and I have less stress worrying about finding a job. LAL, while never saying anything during the search, seems to also be happy for me, thinking, as I do, that the current budget of most districts means their will be very little hiring.

But here is the important thing...the guy who interviewed me was merely in an interim position. His last day was the day I accepted. He is now the assistant superintendent in a district that is much closer. Why is this important? Because we TOTALLY clicked. We have the same philosophies, we had the same sense of humor, and we just clicked (in a professional way, ya sickos!)
THEN I come to find out, we have some mutual acquaintances. ROCK ON!
So, my hope is that I can stay in touch with him, and when his district is hiring, he'll let me know. Hopefully a year with this cooperative group, then on to greener pastures.

Oh, and here is the kicker. My last classroom I always belly-ached about because it was an interior room with no windows.
My new classroom is a trailer outside the school. Ye-ah.
I can't wait, though, to decorate it with lights and fun stuff for each holiday.


  • Beth,
    I believe that there is saying something like 'if you are given lemons, you can make lemonade'. Well, knowing you, you are going to make the sweetest lemonade ever.
    I am sure you can make that little trailer something these kiddies will come to love and you will "THE" teacher that you just can't forget.
    You know my motto on life that everything happens for a reason...and there is a reason for you to be here.
    It may be to get you to the greener side but there may be things waiting for you that will just surprise you.
    Anyway, congrats on the job!!!

    Now, I am still waiting for LAL's Ex story!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:03 PM  

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