Sir Laughs-A-Lot, My Knight in Shining Armor
My last two weeks of school are always stressful, but are even more so than usual because I had to pack up my classroom and get my crazy IEPs completed.
One day I was picking up some of my belongings from the elementary teacher I used to work with, and she mentioned an e-mail our special education director sent us saying that our paperwork was due a week earlier than usual. I hadn't read this e-mail, and flipped out. There was not possible way I could get it all done a week early, because the next day would have been that date.
After having a full-fledged panic attack that included shortness of breath and chest pains, I called Laughs-a-lot's cell and left a message saying I was having a meltdown.
I called in sick to my evening job and went home and chilled out, but 5 hours after having called L-A-L, he hadn't called me back. I thought that I had freaked him out and he was running for the hills as fast as he could. I called his home number to let him know I was back to my "normal" self and it was safe to call me.
About a half-hour after that, L-A-L calls me very concerned and apologetic. He hadn't taken his cell to work. His department finished a very large project, so the person who benefited the most took the department out for drinks. He felt horrible that he wasn't there for me when I needed him.
I assured him that it was fine and I was feeling better.
He then said that he never again wanted me to go through something and not be able to get a hold of him, because he wants to be the guy I run to. He gave me the direct line to his office and told me over and over to call him whenever I needed to talk to him. He was so concerned.
He wanted to help me to alleviate some of my stress. He couldn't really do any of the paperwork, but he has man-muscles and a big pick up truck and was willing to help me get my room packed and moved.
He offered countless times to take a day off and come to school to help me out. I really didn't want him to waste a day off for that. I told him I would rather him take a day off when I was out of school so we could have some fun.
He said he could do both.
I am happy to say that I did not need him to take a day off, although he did meet me at my storage unit to carry the heavy stuff. He told me he wanted to do more to help me out. He doesn't understand that just being there for me was all I needed.
When I am making my calls at my second job, if I tell L-A-L that a customer yelled at me, or that my coworker Fruit Loop is annoying me, he gets truly upset and wants to tell these people off. L-A-L doesn't want me to ever be unhappy. He wants to shelter me, and while that normally would make me feel exasperated, with him I adore it.
One day I was picking up some of my belongings from the elementary teacher I used to work with, and she mentioned an e-mail our special education director sent us saying that our paperwork was due a week earlier than usual. I hadn't read this e-mail, and flipped out. There was not possible way I could get it all done a week early, because the next day would have been that date.
After having a full-fledged panic attack that included shortness of breath and chest pains, I called Laughs-a-lot's cell and left a message saying I was having a meltdown.
I called in sick to my evening job and went home and chilled out, but 5 hours after having called L-A-L, he hadn't called me back. I thought that I had freaked him out and he was running for the hills as fast as he could. I called his home number to let him know I was back to my "normal" self and it was safe to call me.
About a half-hour after that, L-A-L calls me very concerned and apologetic. He hadn't taken his cell to work. His department finished a very large project, so the person who benefited the most took the department out for drinks. He felt horrible that he wasn't there for me when I needed him.
I assured him that it was fine and I was feeling better.
He then said that he never again wanted me to go through something and not be able to get a hold of him, because he wants to be the guy I run to. He gave me the direct line to his office and told me over and over to call him whenever I needed to talk to him. He was so concerned.
He wanted to help me to alleviate some of my stress. He couldn't really do any of the paperwork, but he has man-muscles and a big pick up truck and was willing to help me get my room packed and moved.
He offered countless times to take a day off and come to school to help me out. I really didn't want him to waste a day off for that. I told him I would rather him take a day off when I was out of school so we could have some fun.
He said he could do both.
I am happy to say that I did not need him to take a day off, although he did meet me at my storage unit to carry the heavy stuff. He told me he wanted to do more to help me out. He doesn't understand that just being there for me was all I needed.
When I am making my calls at my second job, if I tell L-A-L that a customer yelled at me, or that my coworker Fruit Loop is annoying me, he gets truly upset and wants to tell these people off. L-A-L doesn't want me to ever be unhappy. He wants to shelter me, and while that normally would make me feel exasperated, with him I adore it.
He sounds wonderful!!!!
I guess it is safe to say that you are a tad smitten?!
Anonymous, at 7:31 AM
Just a touch. :)
Beth, at 10:44 AM
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Anonymous, at 6:43 AM
Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.
Anonymous, at 7:50 AM
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