The Realities of Miss Bethie

Monday, November 14, 2005

For those who are wondering...

Friday night went well.
We rented The Anchorman, because we both have that sort of twisted sense of humor.
We then retreated to the boudoir and, well, Miss Bethie's 5 year drought is over.

But of course, now I am freaking out, because he sent me an e-mail today saying he needs to return my CD's to me.

Is that his way of getting rid of me and any connection so as to not have to have anymore contact?

Or is it his way to feel me out?

I will be devastated if after my first (well, first three) times back in the game I get ditched.

I can deal with him wanting to date other people, but I cannot deal with his wanting to dump me all together.

Maybe I should have gone to Boston to be with Darren.


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